I sold my account in like... late 2005. Yay 1 binding and almost full Might. Turns out the guy who bought it was a tard and managed to get himself banned. So he quit his CC on the account and ignored emails. A friend who was playing at the time said "Hey, I think this guy got banned forever. Get your battle.net account back and fuck wow."
So I sent a single email, saying "Hey, I sold this account on playerauctions, guy was dumb and said some racist shit in chat(literally, I had old guildies ask me if I hated black people or something when I hadn't played in months). Wasn't me, he can never get this back... do you care if I have it back? I have some Diablo 2 characters I would like to continue playing."
No lie; the account was restored to me within like 20 minutes, full privileges and a month of game time added. The guy I sold it to? Literally never contacted me again, and since he had only logged on like twice to get wrecked in BGs, seemed like he didn't give a fuck.
Still have the account; it isn't my main anymore, but it is a great reminder that people will spend hundreds of dollars ( I sold cheap =/) for absolutely any advantage.... even if imaginary in the greater scheme of things. The internet is weird.