What about millennials that know they are technically millennials but do everything they can to dissociate with that group including willful denial?
You can't deny who you are. This is your life.

What about millennials that know they are technically millennials but do everything they can to dissociate with that group including willful denial?
I'm gonna go on the record and say no way in hell. The world record to gain level 60 is almost 5 days played. That's under ideal conditions for leveling, which we won't be seeing at the shitshow that will be Classic launch. Add ganking to the mix because I bet there are 10 people who would like to spoil a world record attempt for every one that wants to put that sort of time in.Definitely an achievement. Only thing that leads me to believe that it wont be done is the whole 30-40 people thing. I could see 10 maybe even 20 fo them getting together and grinding it out, but getting more than that is gonna be a challenge. But knowing my doubt, it probabaly WILL happen for sure.
FuuuuuckYeah I don't know why or how people born in the 80's-90's are somehow boomers it's probably because kids these days are really that stupid they can't even tell generations apart. Although the boomer v zoomer meme's are some funny shit.
I'd agree except.method and limit did this shit raiding for world first for two weeks straightI can see the joana record get squashed. But still its gonna be close to maybe 4 days? That's 96 hours which is about 13 hours per day in a week, definitely doable, maybe even with some 20-24hr sessions. I'm an old man now but I can still do up a 24hr. The problem comes in when you need an entire guild of 30-40 to do this.
Someone I follow on Twitch is looking at a little over 17 hours played to get to level 29. He's a pretty competitive speedrunner using a tailored questing route as a Troll hunter. I know it's not the full picture and that the levels continue to ramp up a bit, but maybe it gives an idea of what is possible.
Roughly 20 hours to 30 is in line with Joana's old speed run guide. His old record was 4 days 21 hours played time. Let's assume people can cut a day off that and we're talking roughly 4 days played. That is still 96 hours out of 168 available hours in the week. Unless these turbo cucks are going to account share and pull all nighters I don't see how they are going to manage to hit 60 gear up, farm consumables, and kill Rag.
Sooooo severe queues WITH layering. Maybe we just need more servers and lower caps. (That's EU btw)Due to extremely high demand, we will be establishing the following new WoW Classic realm at approximately 20:00 CEST (19:00 BST) on Wednesday, August 14:
- Gehennas – PvP – English
We suggest that players choosing a realm consider this one, as we expect that other English PvP realms may experience severe queues at release.
Roughly 20 hours to 30 is in line with Joana's old speed run guide. His old record was 4 days 21 hours played time. Let's assume people can cut a day off that and we're talking roughly 4 days played. That is still 96 hours out of 168 available hours in the week. Unless these turbo cucks are going to account share and pull all nighters I don't see how they are going to manage to hit 60 gear up, farm consumables, and kill Rag.
As long as at least one of these guilds is going hard for world first is on a PvP server and loses the race because of PvP I'll be happy. Just looking for a couple complete streamer freakouts over their time being wasted while the race is on.