I'm still surprised so many people who actually played back in vanilla are excited for this.
those are all crafted or what? been so long since i played
More excited than I've been for any of the FFXIV expansions or any game since WoW.
I'll have to disagree, I think my hype for Shadowbringers was higher than any WoW/expansion even. Although how much of Vanilla did you clear/see I have to ask?
FFXIV is as flawed as BFA to me. I find the story enjoyable and doing the content once, but not much outside of that.
I played WoW from closed beta until Wrath. I played FFXIV from launch until just a few weeks ago off and on. This is starting to feel like a job interview.
If you're planning on playing an undead character and need a wand, a few of us are planning to pool our linen and have eitherSardaan or myself make them.
I'm going to be keeping tailoring to 60 so I think it makes sense for me to be the one to do the tailoring part, the more of us who work together, the faster we can get the required 54 linen to make the bolts of cloth necessary to get to a high enough tailoring to make the greens to d/e for the wand.
If anyone else wants in on this, let me know on Discord or tag me on here. The more parts we split the linen gathering into, the sooner we'll all get a wand. I'm going to be grinding to 3-4 and then hitting the Pumpkin Patch with the Tirisfal Farmhands to gather linen.
I'll agree that there is a big part of "doing the expansion releases in 14 for the story", but I still enjoy a lot of the content they put out over the course of the expansion in between release and MSQ patches, too. Still waaaay better than BFA for me which kind of feels like a watered down legion with other flaws and issues, too.
You played from closed beta to Wrath, but how much of Vanilla did you clear is what I was curious about. I can understand people who maybe wanted to jump into the PVP from Classic to see it, or if for raiding maybe they never cleared AQ40 or Naxx 40 and wanted to do so.
Real talk - When are we gonna get some decent channel structure up in the Discord?
"Group #1" "Group #2" and "Raid" aren't likely to be enough when Classic goes live.
Some suggested additions:
- "Stuck in Q Over9000!?@!" (for those that clearly won't be playing any time soon, and need to figure out something else to do)
- General voice
- "Huge PvPness" (added implication of the obvious for good measure, kek)
- Asmonfanbo-- er, "Stream Sniping"
- "Goldshire Inn" (for those rolling Alliance)
Honestly if the wait is nuts, ill probably just roll elsewhere. I dont have the patience for hours of a queue.
Real talk - When are we gonna get some decent channel structure up in the Discord?
"Group #1" "Group #2" and "Raid" aren't likely to be enough when Classic goes live.
Some suggested additions:
- "Stuck in Q Over9000!?@!" (for those that clearly won't be playing any time soon, and need to figure out something else to do)
- General voice
- "Huge PvPness" (added implication of the obvious for good measure, kek)
- Asmonfanbo-- er, "Stream Sniping"
- "Goldshire Inn" (for those rolling Alliance)