Every single server is going to have a queue on launch, guaranteed.
No duh.
Every single server is going to have a queue on launch, guaranteed.
oh shitBoozeCube just thought of something
cross-faction trading BABEEEEEY
thanks to the powerfulness of the booty bay AH
I want to complete the raids this time for sure, but I'm just as excited for the PvP as well. I was one of the people doing a lot of world PvP (I actually transferred off of a PvE server to do more of it), then I spammed BGs when they came out. I was bored at points, but overall it was a lot of fun for me. One factor is that I have a new perspective on the game as a whole. I have a better idea of what games (including future WoW content) did wrong after it, and what vanilla did right. When I played vanilla back in the day I never really gave it a lot of thought. I didn't pay much attention to the world, I didn't get into the raiding scene until around when TBC came out and a lot of the content was already trivial. Karazhan was the first raid I completed. I might have blown through some of the earlier content when I was overgeared for it, I don't remember. Before that I did a lot of the the non-raid content including rep grinds. Doing the raids when they're relevant has some weight in my consideration, but it's not the only factor at all.
When I PvP'd I spent a lot of time on my druid, but I enjoyed most of the other classes, and I plan on focusing more on them this time. A lot of my excitement also likely comes from the fact that I never played private servers and haven't played WoW since Wrath. Barely anyone knew anything for the first few months. You couldn't just go onto YouTube and watch a video explaining everything. So I just played and had fun, but I missed a lot of the content. Then there's the FoH guild. We already have a nice community ready for launch. I've struggled to find good communities in various games before, including FFXIV.
I'm mostly excited to go back to a time when games focused more on the community building aspect, and I want to enjoy a MMORPG that gives me that experience again. It's not perfect, but Classic does a lot of things right. I want the chaos of world PvP and I want to play some BGs. I plan to do the stuff I haven't done before and to redo the things I have. Classic provides these experiences. Everything else like doing the raids is just icing on the cake.
(Also I have a hell of a lot more time right now.)
All of this makes sense, there's a lot of new stuff for you to see in Classic, and the one real draw it still has for me is the community that you had to build on each of your servers back then (and in prior MMO's like EQ). For me, though, that community was heavily influenced by those people I raided with back in the day. I don't think I could find a more perfect group of people to raid with than what we had back then, and not only did we clear all the content, there's just no way that same group would ever be able to all get the band back together...so it just wouldn't be the same for me. I'll enjoy watching streams of people trying out some of the stuff they never did back then, though, and remember the good old days. Nowadays I'm more about the story and different forms of content, so FFXIV works perfectly for me. Lets me scratch that itch, without having to be too involved with a guild/FC/corp (pick your MMO version) but I can still do a ton.
It will be interesting to see if Classic sustains popularity and people playing it...to the point they consider releasing TBC content again, or try to adapt some of the philosophies they went away from in later years to future stuff (not necessarily just the Classic servers). Another weird thought is that it won't exactly be like Vanilla, b/c you're already starting with 1.12. Obviously they fixed a lot of crap over the lifespan of Vanilla, but some of the early flaws were part of its charm, and helped make the memories from back then. Enjoy what it has to offer, and we'll all see where it goes, though!
The community aspect of this wont be like the past though. Youre talking probably 30K peeps per FULL server. So even if some quit, and im sure they will this wont be some 5K server during peak times where you get to know every tom dick and sally, and add to this the whole layer cakes, this will be a mess of random people. In other words the only ones you will get to know is the ones in your guild.
My apologies if this has been asked and answered, but is there an "unofficial" FoH Alliance guild for those of us that have no desire to play Horde?
Is Whitemane expected to be massively horde populated vs alliance (in general, not just foh guys)? I'm not a huge fan of 5:1 server populations in any open world pvp type situation.
I think people are still underestimating the demand for Classic and it's hard to imagine 50% of the people interested in this right now are suddenly going to change their minds. It's not like most of us haven't played this game before, we mostly all know what we're getting into already.
Is Whitemane expected to be massively horde populated vs alliance (in general, not just foh guys)? I'm not a huge fan of 5:1 server populations in any open world pvp type situation.