I wouldn't want to group with anyone in BFA either, but this is kinda dumb. You're forced to group in Classic, not forced to group in BFA, so of course you'll have been in more Classic groups than BFA.idk, was fun doing deadmines and having 2 people add me because they might need a tank or healer in the future
I've been in more groups in classic than all of bfa combined (that weren't raids or m+ with friends), kinda enjoying it
So I started my queue an hour ago and it was at 3 hours. It's now up to 4 hours. Yesterday my queue went all the way until there was no queue, by the time I got in, 20 mins later I asked people who got in what the queue was and they said there was no queue. So right now my queue is taking me past 11pm, when there won't be a queue anymore.
Does anyone know if they remembered to revert the nerf to dungeon loot sell prices to merchants? Because that's how I got the first epic mount on Garona. Sneaking to Arcanist Doan at level 41 over and over and over again and then selling his loot to merchants. Then by the time I was 60 I already had like 700 gold. But I remember they did a pretty heavy nerf to how much dungeon loot sells for to merchants a few months later. I want to do that farm again and I'm gonna be sad if they forgot to revert it. Altho I guess this isn't "classic" ala launch, since raids are already in. How far in are we, exactly? How many months from actual release?
I've had a similar, but opposite experience. While leveling my nelf hunter I'd always get a buff from a passing priest or druid, but on my shaman... almost never. I think its just a case of being part of a "wave" of ppl leveling. Those who come later will be the soloists.I decided to roll on another server to fuck around due to a 6+hour queue on whitemane. Rolled up a human paly, and gods were there some dumb fucks in chat. And even with all the priests around me, I didn't get a single stamina buff until I was in Hogger's area. As well as less people grouping up to do kill quests.
On our server horde side, I nearly had it my whole time leveling.
What the fuck. This is a wow classic patch after Hurricane was removed as the 41pt Druid balance talent? This is not classic to me. Sucks dick. Fuck I was so excited to AoE my face off and farm hypogrifs and shit. Hurricane was such a badass spell. AoE damage + AoE slow, toss a bunch of moonfires, pop a rejuve and bear form, aoe 8 green mobs. When was Hurricane removed as the 41 pt Druid talent?
I think this is the spot where it was removed as a talent but granted as a normal ability at level 40 or 42?
You will get a free day added to your account just like 15 years ago!