You have 14 Days. If after that time the WoW Classic servers are not properly tuned, I am deleting my characters, and cancelling all of my accounts. The rest of my guild will follow suit, as will several other guilds and people that play World of Warcraft.
To be brief, I did not work my ass off, jumping through your idiotic hoops with my friends and guildmates, so I could go to a zone where only groups of 18 could log on to enjoy the content. EVEN if past these initial moronic events I can finally get my entire guild in to raid with me, FUCK YOU GUYS. Seriously, FUCK YOU.
I cannot believe this... right now I'm just so pissed off. I am sitting here in the 73,682 in login queue, and 3/4 of my guild is just sitting around for hours repeatedly trying to beat the fucking log in screen. Don't you people have ANY FUCKING DECENCY? J. ALLEN BRACK WHY DON'T YOU STOP COUNTING YOUR MONEY AND START ISSUING ORDERS?
The tragic irony of creating the ultimate cockblock of classic in the form of limited servers logins which requires 80,000 people to defeat and then to limit the layers to 18.
14 Days.... after that this site will change from the most popular World of Warcraft fan site on the internet to the most popular Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen fan site on the internet. I'm done playing ball with you useless fuckers... it's my turn.