- 13,843
- 34,510
Chill out, guys. Give them some slack. They're a small studio and this is their first time at bat.
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- 1
In layering news... turns out layer swapping works in instances too. Groups have been using it to farm Baron and other end bosses. wheeeee
edit: not sure why the Twitch clip isn't embedding properly so here's the URL:
h_ttps://www.twitch.tv/skarmtank/clip/CorrectNeighborlyAnteaterAliens (remove the _)
Is there a primary site for things like icyvein yet?
Classic wowhead has specs, bis lists, and rotations.
So, what, you just leave group and reform before you get kicked?
We’ve recently become aware of a bug that could be exploited to allow instanced encounters to be completed repeatedly. We have developed a fix for the issue, and we are in the process of deploying it worldwide.
As soon as possible, we will identify those who knowingly abused this bug in exploitative manner. We will then take appropriate punitive measures.
As a reminder, Blizzard’s End User License Agreement defines cheats as “methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods.”
As always, thank you for your feedback on this matter.
you think you do
That sounds like something Blizzard should ban for.In layering news... turns out layer swapping works in instances too. Groups have been using it to farm Baron and other end bosses. wheeeee
edit: not sure why the Twitch clip isn't embedding properly so here's the URL:
h_ttps://www.twitch.tv/skarmtank/clip/CorrectNeighborlyAnteaterAliens (remove the _)
Wow, thanks to your post I finally figured out wtf is wrong with my pet in BM. You had mentioned before you were having weird issues with pet threat as well.The only time I lose aggro is around that level before I get my new growl. Also BM has intimidation which has 1 min CD which never fails, at least it never failed for me yet. So yeah the times I unload on a mob and the pet loses aggro, hit the oh shit button and everything is back on track. BM IMO is the only way to level and farm with. Aside the mana issues I can go for days just doing auto shot. So you unload on a few mobs, do auto shot on a few, back to full mana, rinse and repeat, continue on for days with no breaks.
skip to half way thru for the good part. ZF xp farming