Whats a good 1.2 kitty that is close to lv 60? Are those winterspring cats 1.2?
Petopia Classic: Pet Attack Speed
A visual guide to hunter pets in World of Warcraft Classic.
Whats a good 1.2 kitty that is close to lv 60? Are those winterspring cats 1.2?
Yeah I got Deathmaw early, haven't seen him up ever since. If you hard up, SFK worgs are exactly the same, but you need to level from 18-19 lol.It looks any of the Winterspring cats are all 1.5.
I bit the bullet and went with one of the Swamp Jaguar from Swamp of Sorrows and had to level it all the way up, which kind of sucked. I've been also keeping an eye out for Deathmaw spawn as I'd have a 1.2 wolf for raids/groups, but haven't seen him spawn yet.
I've used this spreadsheet to determine which pets to get for AS, spell ranks, etc: Vanilla Hunter Pet Compendium.
As much as some of you might feel behind if you are still leveling, let me assure you that you are not. Which might sound off coming from someone who leveled relativity quickly. There is no new content in this game to rush toward and even the most casual of players are going to end up raid geared from alt, weekend type raids, or just tagging along when we have an extra spot.
The most fun part of this shit isn't the dungeons or raids it's the comradery with this crazy group of people we have know for a long time, and some we haven't lurkers, and others. In spite of what the Ossois of the would might have you believe there is nothing to prove in a 15 year old game and since we are all adult boomer types most have outgrown selfish loot drama. You guys are still animals and trying to corral has been a little challenging but overall I have enjoyed the time in classic so far and I imagine that will continue through all the phases.
Of course Legion was fun as well for much of the same reason, the game had it's flaws but we had a fun bunch to play with, at least until a few dipshits got themselves banned for being dumb cunts and a couple others got wide eye dreams of chasing purples so badly they went on the fight bosses with people they hated and wiped like 896 times to finally get purple sword of the who gives a fuck only to realize how little it meant and ultimately quit the game once they realized how hollow they were.
Yeah I got Deathmaw early, haven't seen him up ever since. If you hard up, SFK worgs are exactly the same, but you need to level from 18-19 lol.
Whats a good 1.2 kitty that is close to lv 60? Are those winterspring cats 1.2?
I tried taming that one 5 fucking times, and retards attacked it every time. I just gave up.I got the rare gorilla from ungoro as well after only camping for about 3 hours or so.
I dont know how you guys can remember wtf you did back in true classic for pets. I played a Hunter, but I cant f'n remember shit. I dont know if that says more about me, or more about you. Am I starting to experience Alzheimers? Or are you guys elephants or some shit?