I need brd for mc attune. Just got my eyes last night for Ony. I don't get on til later in the evening though.Adebisi needs core attune and full Warlord's Command adventures
Anyone else working on these?
15 years later, everyone knows about that quest, and how expensive epic mounts are in general.There weren't hundreds of warlocks at the same quest step, on the same server, 15 years ago.
Warlock mount quest is probably the definition of retard quest design. Hundreds of warlocks in 1 zone, trying to get 30 quest drops of something that's not even a 100% drop rate. Whoever designed the quest hopefully gets cancer and dies a vicious death.
I accidentally joined a no lifer private server guild, they want us to bring 16 Greater Fire Protection Potions to MC/Onyxia.
That's 80g per raid at current prices and Elemental Fire has not dropped for me in full clears of the mobs in Burning Steppes and Arathi Highlands.
Less people would die on the elemental packs? Though I assume the lesser pots would help that just as much.Why would you need more than 2-3 a week let’s say one on Ony + one on Rag and a 3rd for a spare?