It's not nearly as easy to box in WoW as it was in EQ. You could manually play 2-3 toons in EQ fairly well, let alone if you started using advanced macros and programs. WoW? You can't do shit manually, and almost requires the use of other boxing programs to help.Amusing considering that a certain popular WoW developer has used this account when the raid lacked healers and my friend couldn't log in
Does nobody box their friend's accounts anymore to know if Blizzard seriously gives a fuck nowadays? I had login info for like 20 of my EQ guildmates back in the day. Seems weird to me to not log friends in to craft or fill a raid role or whatever
I'm doing it the old way myself, 2x keyboard, mouse, PC, monitors, and shitload of macros. It's a pain in the dick.It's not nearly as easy to box in WoW as it was in EQ. You could manually play 2-3 toons in EQ fairly well, let alone if you started using advanced macros and programs. WoW? You can't do shit manually, and almost requires the use of other boxing programs to help.
I thought about dual boxing a friends shaman for arena runs
Remember back then Alex was all about exploit early, and exploit often. Now not so much.I used to do this all the time throughout BC and Wrath. Losing on purpose for welfare epics and to work on my arena addon. If this results in bans now then Blizzard really has become a shit company.
I used to use ISboxer ages ago to dick around with EQ, forgot about that one. They used to have a free trial, might take a look and see if it makes a difference for me before paying. IIRC, Blizzard even officially said ISBoxer was A-Ok back in the day.I have boxed for years in WoW using ISBoxer and an addon called JAMBA (now called EMA). Nobody has ever been banned for using ISBoxer and it is perfectly legitimate and within the TOS. If you ever see a boxer running around in WoW there is a very good chance they are using ISBoxer and many people even stream on Twitch while using it. Boxing in BfA is incredibly easy because of multi-tap and all the QOL features added over the years. Boxing in classic is kind of a pain because questing just really sucks in classic in large groups for anything that isn't a simple kill quest or guaranteed drop.
JAMBA was the name I couldn't think of! Cool that it's still around.I have boxed for years in WoW using ISBoxer and an addon called JAMBA (now called EMA). Nobody has ever been banned for using ISBoxer and it is perfectly legitimate and within the TOS. If you ever see a boxer running around in WoW there is a very good chance they are using ISBoxer and many people even stream on Twitch while using it. Boxing in BfA is incredibly easy because of multi-tap and all the QOL features added over the years. Boxing in classic is kind of a pain because questing just really sucks in classic in large groups for anything that isn't a simple kill quest or guaranteed drop.
Question for private server nerds, orc warrior with edgemasters using axes, when do I get to replace edgemasters?
Remember back then Alex was all about exploit early, and exploit often. Now not so much.
I used to use ISboxer ages ago to dick around with EQ, forgot about that one. They used to have a free trial, might take a look and see if it makes a difference for me before paying. IIRC, Blizzard even officially said ISBoxer was A-Ok back in the day.
I have no intention of doing any serious boxing, it's more a level alts easier, pocket healer for farming, and an easy method to keep an eye on AH kinda deal.
I got pushed out of my spot in felwood by 5 level 52 mages being multi boxed. Some fucky tos violating shit with the program they use. Distract doesn’t do anything. They’re all too ai like in how they follow the lead character.
Quest npcs don’t have to follow the tos.It's just follow strobing, it's a legitimate script/slash command and is how quests with NPCs that follow you work.
Quest npcs don’t have to follow the tos.
Having a program cast /follow 10000 times a second is definitely a tos violation.