Yep. Something change between Original WOW and release and now 80man raids are garbage. They released TMvSS as an instanced dungeon in BFA, its too laggy to play.server stability where more than like 30 people are fighting at a time has been extremely bad for a while now and my guess it absolutely will never be fixed. It's been the case since 7.3 in Legion. Considering classic is running off that client, I'm not surprised. Including AV servers.
At least the zones don't straight up go offline anymore, but you make them unplayable for anybody in them. Enjoy fighting over world bosses when they come out.
Yep. Something change between Original WOW and release and now 80man raids are garbage. They released TMvSS as an instanced dungeon in BFA, its too laggy to play.
How did you fuck that up? It was fine in 2005 with 56k modems. Now its unplayable with 100mb connections.
Classic EU servers can't seem to be able to hold large scale battles:
How about yours ?
can we blame spell batching for that one?
His video's were pretty good on YouTube. Loved watching him wreck Olympus.So that Advertise dude that's been going after Asmon decided to start streaming. 9 minutes in he had already been reported and hit with a 3 day suspension. Looks like the Asmonkeys got him.
So that Advertise dude that's been going after Asmon decided to start streaming. 9 minutes in he had already been reported and hit with a 3 day suspension. Looks like the Asmonkeys got him.
Who what where when why and how? (Would anyone give a shit)
So that Advertise dude that's been going after Asmon decided to start streaming. 9 minutes in he had already been reported and hit with a 3 day suspension. Looks like the Asmonkeys got him.
What did he do, or open on stream?
Because twitch doesn't care about reports unless something actually happened.
Advertise has been basically showcasing Asmon's doucheness and been killing Asmon in game. It's funny shit cuz Asmon loses it over the dudes antics.
Dunno. I just saw what he posted about it. I dunno what he could have done in 9 minutes unless he like whipped his dick out in the stream.
Apparently it might have been a pic he was using to cover chat. I did not see it personally and the channel isn't available.
I'm gonna guess if even 1% of the 100k clowns watching Asmon report someone, that's 1000 reports and that will make Twitch take action without investigating. I seriously doubt that guy even streams with a camera.What did he do, or open on stream?
Because twitch doesn't care about reports unless something actually happened.
Onyxia is all about positioning, not DPS. Unsummon the fucking pet.I got a newbie raider question: Does Onyxia's tail whip knock hunter pets into the whelp caves? We've had whelps seemingly from nowhere in phase 1 and I've had my pet weirdly deaggro somehow during that phase so I stopped using it; however I've not visibly noticed the pet being knocked away. Pets seem to get alarmingly close to her even though her hitbox is ridiculously large