I still don't quite understand why there are so many rang rangs on U.S. servers. They are endless like roaches.
Did 51 - 52 and up to Reverered with only a single person getting mouthy about my level and/or shitter mount and that was mostly because I snowballed him off a tower. The community has vastly exceeded my expectations.
So with paid transfers in now, we could use a couple fury warriors and a few healers (preferrably resto shm) if anyone's looking or a home (obviously open to other classes as well if you're an old pal). Have some old timey EQ FoH in guild, some friends and some WoW pickups. We aren't going super hard at anything, but doing Sunday MC clears at 5pst and typically like a 6pst Onyxia through the week for now if anyone's interested let me know.
who says fairbanks is overpopulated?! very rarely get a queueI highly doubt they're going to allow xfers to overpopped servers tbh