Managing blessings was just a poorly thought out mechanic that added nothing to the gameplay/enjoyability of playing the class. Outside of a well timed BoP, they were perfunctory and assumed. Applying them was easily 1 to 1.5 minutes (servers/lag/people) out of 5 of gameplay. Someone is out of range. Someone wants it on their pet. Your mod broke and. you're. doing. it. manually. all. night. long. More useful than shaman buffs without a doubt, but the price was the playing experience. Given that they required no thought, making them auras would have been more appropriate. That, or I might have actually enjoyed their application being meaningful (e.g. instead of raid wide, make it a super charged single target blessing/bestowment for one person on a long cooldown... like BoP).
Literally, I wouldn't play the class if given the opportunity, now, for anything less than 15 minute blessings. Nigh unkillable healing god be damned.