4 extra bag slots hmmm
logged on PTR today, turns your backpack in 20 slots, 5 rows of 4.
4 extra bag slots hmmm
Is there anything worth running AQ20 for? Even if you only have small upgrades from Hakkar, those enchants are worth running that thing, but I don't recall anything good from AQ20
Is there anything worth running AQ20 for? Even if you only have small upgrades from Hakkar, those enchants are worth running that thing, but I don't recall anything good from AQ20
I have the physical one from many years ago and very rarely have to even use it now.shit i dont use authenticator, found it annoying back when i played retail. one time i lost my phone and the backup didnt have the authenticator app.. that was annoying. but for four bag slots ill do it
Is there anything worth running AQ20 for? Even if you only have small upgrades from Hakkar, those enchants are worth running that thing, but I don't recall anything good from AQ20
ive been buying encrypted texts, what its like 4k to exalted?our raid1 has one dft and no CTS. our raid2 has about 10 dfts, they got 10 in a row, and no cts. got a few claws
Szeth and I and a couple others did the grind early mornings for a couple weeks to get to honored. When no one is there you basically can get an entire camp to yourself and it goes by fast. Respawns are really quick too. And yeah I got about exactly 7k into honored from that plus the various dukes and lords we’ve been doing. But fuck the rest of that grind. I’ll wait until the AQ wursts for the rest.The CC rep grind isn’t bad. Group up and farm mobs until honored. Then turn in all your texts and do the Silithus quests. Should get you about 7k in to honored. Then grind the Flamereavers in the Northern cave until revered. Revered blows, waiting for Lords and Dukes sucks.
Over the last few months, we’ve been accelerating our efforts to deal with certain kinds of cheating that players often call “bots” – the use of automation to play the game in exploitative ways. As you know, bots are often operated by people who exploit the game in order to make money selling in-game resources and leveling services to other players. Botting is explicitly against the Blizzard End User License Agreement 3, and we take strong actions against those who cheat in World of Warcraft.
We’ve recently seen some WoW Classic players ask “How can we help Blizzard get rid of bots?” and the answer remains the same: please continue to report them. And thank you for doing so.
Right-click reporting a player for cheating is the best way you can participate in our speedily removing bot accounts. Your right-click reports go straight to our team of agents who investigate these issues, and who can then determine if further action is warranted.
Thank you to everyone who has right-click reported potential bots so far; we really appreciate you taking the time to help us make the game nicer and fairer. Please continue to send us your reports as much as possible, and we’ll continue to enforce the rules as swiftly as we can.