Can't you just require everyone to pay $29.95 for each new wow licence and demand they have a unique non-China-man credit card for each account? Instantaneously, bots are gone.
Completely agree. People read this as a victory and vindication. Smart people think about it a little more and realize it provides relief for about a week.You are under the assumption the current Blizzard cares about bots. Big ban wave announcements appease the plebs and spacing out your ban waves to every few months allows the botters to recuperate their losses and then some so they will keep subbing. Win/win in their books.
Paladins are the worst levelers. Hunters, warlocks, mages, and priests all level pretty fast.I want to level a class on classic. The issue I have, is I just remember how awful classic leveling can be. Slow gameplay, lots of downtime. I think it would be great to have a 60 to run low levels through deadmines and stuff, but the most I made it to was a level 11 paladin and just can't do it anymore
Alt rogues level super fast when you can feed them swordsPaladins are the worst levelers. Hunters, warlocks, mages, and priests all level pretty fast.
And fiery enchant.Alt rogues level super fast when you can feed them swords
Yeah you just click on the name and it will show everytime they typed something. Might get deleted if you unfollow and refollow.twitch streamers can browse back their chat logs for years?
But then it wouldn't be at the same time as FFXIV new big patch.I wish it was 1-2 week sooner. People are dropping like flies.
Running out of waterbots for your healers? Why play a non-healer caster in the warrior meta that is classic?If any of you turkeys want to gear up a Mage & want to do progression when AQ40 is out - we need one on Sulfuras Alliance for our main raid team. We literally had 1 Mage in our BWL clear last week.