warriors who won't tank
This is why I loved being a druid prior to raiding. They were plenty capable of tanking bosses up to Drakkisath, with clutch self heals and extra dps to burn through some trash that didn't necessarily need tanking. Crushing blows on raid bosses made them incredibly unreliable for most raid encounters. There were a few times when a pug raid would pull extra mobs in MC and I'd shift to become an extra off tank, preventing a stupid wipe. Or being the first tank on Vael. Or magic bosses. Or add tank. I off tanked all of ZG and most of AQ20. Feral dps was also initially higher than rogues in MC until they got a weapon or two. Lack of scaling weapon damage means feral cats get shit on more and more as tiers progressed, but tanking is still viable when used appropriately.This was a big pet peeve on mine back in Vanilla. We had some maybe dumb fuck faggot DPS warriors when tanks were always in short supply. These faggot dicklickers typically were dogshit at damage anyways which made it even more depressing.
There's a reason I go tailoring. Need them bag slots for all that extra gear...Wonder if they'll nerf the whole "Farm Gnomeregan for 8 hours each week to Feral" thing![]()
. I off tanked all of ZG and most of AQ20. Feral dps was also initially higher than rogues in MC until they got a weapon or two. Lack of scaling weapon damage means feral cats get shit on more and more as tiers progressed, but tanking is still viable when used appropriately.
One of the reasons it's going to be a challenge for me to consider playing anything else.
Taladril’s Treatise on Druid Tanking in Vanilla | WoW Guides - DKPminus
If I play this totally going alliance warrior tank. Never done alliance anything before!
Bro, once they remove portals from the 10 year old content you can fly over youll see that world come backWill be nice to have an actual world and not some cock-sucking theme park.
Bro, once they remove portals from the 10 year old content you can fly over youll see that world come back
Fuck, he looks like he has cancer. Gotten much skinnier and looking even more dead behind the eyes than usual. I mean, he's been a literal cancer to World of Warcraft. Just manifesting IRL.That sounds like a lot of "Concentrated Coolness" surely this decision will bring subs back.
So we've releveled and killed Nef on 2 emulators.
Why do I need to do this again?
Because if you don’t someone will pay Ice-T to rap shame you into playing.
Imo they should allow dual spec. would solve the majority of the problems.I wonder how quickly people will tire of the classic experience of whoring yourself out in the capital city for groups for hours on end.