I "grew up" on a EU Magtheridon back in the day. Playing as Ally. This was the server that was home to Kungen and his guild of World Firsters, and they were Horde, so there was a lot of Horde fanbois there. The ratio was something like 3:1 for the Horde early on, but ended up at something like 10:1 by the time I ported to a PVE world mid Wrath. The only time I ever really enjoyed world PVP was in Southshore, pre-AV days. The Horde and Alliance would have constant 24/7 battles between SS and Tarren Mill constantly moving back and forth, sometimes even to the point that the guards would get involved. Hella fun. All other PVP sucked donkey's ass, and, strange as it may seem, ended up forcing me into BG PVP for most of Vanilla and BC as going out into the world was basically just a death sentence. Loved old school AV though, especially leaving one at 2 in the morning, gonig to bed, then logging in in the morning and entering the same fucking instance lol. Good times.