The gameplay in classic is definitely not superior. If anything, it’s one of the most inferior aspects of the game compared to current WoW.
Sweet I bet you love fortnight too and have bought all the skins. It is possible for people who like MMORPGs to want their game to play like one with RPG level elements gameplay included.
I mean that should be the beauty of classic those who prefer current can auto queue up their LFR runs and do warfronts whole masterbating and high fiving each other before completing their 38th daily for the day and playing with the mission table. I’ll stick with the old awful terrible game play I enjoyed more.
You are unequivocally wrong if you think the gameplay itself in classic was superior. Just go watch any raid kill video for proof.
That doesn't mean there weren't elements that were superior. But doing nothing but auto attacking, or spamming one bolt spell is absolutely not "superior gameplay".
I pulled aggro on Thaddius and died to this because the other mages didn’t want to stop the ignite for the lulz.And if you went fire the asshole class lead in your raid would just steal all your DPS on the meter by being the one to get the Ignite rolling
This thread makes me want to play a mage again despite not touching Ranged DPS in over a decade.
I think you underestimate the amount of neckbeards that have been playing exclusively on private servers since WOTLK
Right? People are still playing EQ. People are still playing UO. It wouldn't surprise me if WoW/WoW Classic persists until the servers are unplugged. I actually like the idea of a WoW progressions server as my cohort seems to pine for TBC era. As with any new server, there'll probably be an initial glut of people when it's new and shiny and then a contraction in the population as the novelty+ wears off.
TBC and WotLK would be super popular in my uneducated opinion.
I would move from vanilla to TBC or play on both as TBC was the most fun I ever had in WoW. The death of my casual raid guild at the end of the expansion was the end of MMO raiding for me.TBC and WotLK would be super popular in my uneducated opinion.
Sweet I bet you love fortnight too and have bought all the skins. It is possible for people who like MMORPGs to want their game to play like one with RPG level elements gameplay included.
Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO
In September 2013, Brad McQuaid let itslip on Twitterthat he's gone from SOE and on to a new project. He made the vague reference that it relates to previous tweets about a niche MMO with a smaller budget not geared toward the mainstream. The project was eventually announced as
TBC and WotLK would be super popular in my uneducated opinion.
Honestly I am hoping the popularity of the Classic server is enough to get them to introduce progression servers or leave up expansions from each era. Honestly if it keeps subs rolling in they would be fucking stupid not to do just that. Of course all the current Dev's who try and leave their shitty mark on the game desperately turning it in Diablo 3 shitfest will be hurt to see nobody likes the current game but fuck those smug cunts.