Now I wish I hadn't played Classic the first time because I had such a bad experience on Herod for PvP that I don't want to play the new balanced PvP server even though that shit is totally my jam.
Every new server since day launch has had more people crammed into a few zones till they all level. But for release, most folks didn't know what to do. I was lucky to have played beta for a bit. Thank goodness I have no life.Original vanilla wow my friend and I ran into a lvl 52 Tauren warrior in Eastern Plaguelands named Bignig. Wonder if he he made it to 60 without getting reported
I dunno why but watching people die in hardcore is making me want to play again![]()
Death videos are the only HC I could ever do. Because I would completely rage and break something if I played for 50 hours or such and died because my isp blipped, server lagged, didnt get heal etc. And they are hilarious to watch.
I saw the one master class troll that raided with HC group all the way to the 4 horsemen in Naxx and then complete buttfuck them with the Zeliack chain insta gibbing what had to be literally thousands of hours and months of progress.
I am sure someone has a link to it, it happened the last HC go around.
See that's the kind of thing that could trigger someone to go on a rampage, hell track you down and murder you. Considering some of the crazies that play these games and how much the game is their very life.
And I am sure HC has plenty of people that just level characters to do things like that to random groups/raids.
No thanks.
My rogue is 29. It's pretty fun.Now I wish I hadn't played Classic the first time because I had such a bad experience on Herod for PvP that I don't want to play the new balanced PvP server even though that shit is totally my jam.
That was before the official servers so they let themselves continue because it was "griefing". Was pretty gay .See that's the kind of thing that could trigger someone to go on a rampage, hell track you down and murder you. Considering some of the crazies that play these games and how much the game is their very life.
And I am sure HC has plenty of people that just level characters to do things like that to random groups/raids.
No thanks.
Funny little side show happening on Reddit atm: