World of Warcraft: Classic


To be honest. Where we were was about as far as we could've gone. We had some people quitting the same day I quit that sort of put us in an even worse spot. I did the rest of the bosses in mythic, and foh was just not going to be able to handle what we needed (mostly number wise, but moreso staying alive). It's not a jab at the guild, we just weren't at that level yet.

I'm always at that level bro I fucking bench 450 fuck you
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thanks to the meddling of Lady Katrana Prestor, the nobles of Stormwind refused to honor the government contract as agreed. Edwin was enraged that the nobles would withhold payment for honest labor.

The stonemasons rioted in the streets, in an event that would tragically result in the accidental death of Queen Tiffin Wrynn. With the death of his wife, King Varian Wrynn cast the stonemasons out of the city.



A Mod Real Quick
I'm always at that level bro I fucking bench 450 fuck you
Yeah well.. there were some that were benching the bar

You know... The not try hards or whatever language someone tried to use. AKA people that fucking suck at video games


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd put money up that you're very wrong about that.

Didn't mean to imply that WoW classic servers will be totally empty a month after launch. Far from it. Just meant that it will be like all the other mmo launches and EQ progressions servers. A huge influx in the beginning who then leave within weeks. While a minority sticks around. In WoW a minority is still a huge amount of players.

But with WoW the influx to classic is going to be enormous. Which is what my original post was about. I was agreeing with Metalhead's contention that they have UNDERESTIMATED how many people are going to play this at first. The fly by casuals are going to show up by the millions. They have to put those players somewhere, that means opening up a ton of servers for the fly bys. Who always leave in every game.

So even though WoW classic will be popular for years after it launches, they are still going to have a bunch of empty servers after the casuals leave. In WoW everything, success and failure, is more pronounced because of how many people play and have played.


Lol, are you still butt hurt for the trolling I did to you in the Pantheon thread? Really?

Let me give you a piece of advice. What happens in the Pantheon thread, stays in the Pantheon thread. Treat it like Bizarro world, nothing is real. I don't take anyone or anything in that thread seriously. And for your personal sanity, I suggest you do the same.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Are "empty servers" even a thing anymore? I thought everything was layered/sharded and easily migrate-able to ensure this doesn't happen?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Unless they changed it recently, the main issue is the auction house.

But other than that, I don't know how much it matters, other than the look of a list full of empty servers.


Servers only matter for economy and mythic raiding, and nothing else.

(excluding RP servers.. for.. erp)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
A central auction house for all servers would cripple the economy. Something like that would have to be created from the beginning and supported. Much less would the archaic ass infrastructure of the current Auction House work well with such a fast paced environment for hot ticket items.
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A central auction house for all servers would cripple the economy. Something like that would have to be created from the beginning and supported. Much less would the archaic ass infrastructure of the current Auction House work well with such a fast paced environment for hot ticket items.

They've talked about reworking the AH completely for the current game.. but they've talked about it since MOP so who knows if they'll ever actually do it.


Yes, but unlike GW2 it's 15 years old and lags out completely for everyone on the server because someone put 8400 stacks of 1 linen up


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just another example of Blizzard letting a mod be developed that does their job for them. TSM is a blessing to those using it, a hindrance to those that dont.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yes, but unlike GW2 it's 15 years old and lags out completely for everyone on the server because someone put 8400 stacks of 1 linen up

Easily one of my biggest triggers about wow. I dont know who the autist was that had to be really really high up the ladder there who blocked it, but fuck that guy.

Everquest's bazaar included the ability to sell a stack with items priced per unit, and buy one some or all of the stack as desired. This was in place and working for eq before wow ever launched. Wow players creating 9000 auctions for 1 item is 100% blizzards own fault. Players were conditioned into doing that because of a deliberately gimped system design.

Anyway, shared ah, who cares. Compromise and do it by shards or something if needed. If numbers dip condense how many servers are linked per ah.