World of Warcraft: Current Year


Got something right about marriage
I can't even be bothered to set up my Poseidus farming ring anymore when I'm home. And those mounts sell for 600k+ on my server. Last one I sold went for 700k. I've lost all will!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can't even be bothered to set up my Poseidus farming ring anymore when I'm home. And those mounts sell for 600k+ on my server. Last one I sold went for 700k. I've lost all will!
Hehe I hear ya we are in the doldrums where it just is kinda meh to bother logging in until the prepatch stuff goes live which should be in the next month or so. At least then putzing around to relearn classes and do the preinvasion stuff will give me things to do but right now I got everybody I wanted to 100 and I just can't make myself level my paladin at the moment so mostly just looting what I can from the shipyard and garrison while I still can. My sub is paid till end of august via gold already so I don't even need to go token shopping for a while.


<Bronze Donator>
I had been logging in pretty frequently but Overwatch stopped that. We still kill M Manno/Archi on Tuesdays but that'll probably be it until the prepatch for me.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I can certainly see why most of you are tired of the content and don't bother logging in. I started the free trial thing on the 11th of May and have experienced I would say about 90%+ of everything the expansion has to offer. As nice as getting free gold by sitting at a table playing facebook games is I can see why people hate the idea of the garrison bullshit after multiple characters and years of doing it. I still think that dailies (I.E. Chores/ Building a login pattern) are one of the worst things WoW added to this genre that and Achievements. I know when I play the game I find myself doing useless shit I would rather not instead of exploring the world or just because I know it's on the rails I am meant to go and I will be reward with 10 epeen points and/or some other bullshit.

That being said Blizzard has this habit of removing shit from the game if you aren't playing on their schedule so I am finding myself thinking about shit like if I want to go through the hassle to get this Moose mount, or the challenge mode shit, ect. before they remove it. I don't have the cloak from MoP since I quit early in long before it was able to be obtained yet I can still farm Thunderfury so I don't get it at times.

Now it could also be that I am seeing this after everyone is over-geared some but I don't see how Mythic Dungeons are well Mythic.. they feel like they are easier than Vanilla BRD and things, or earlier TBC. Shit I would say more than 1/2 the time some faggot hunter barrages all the things pulling more packs like assclowns and it doesn't even matter in that content. Which is the same as Vanilla feeling at least.

I figure over the next month or so before legion my biggest goals in playing this game are to ensure I snag enough gold to buy tokens, to level a couple of other characters to prepare for the next xpac, to get used to all of the addons and build a decent UI before then, and find a group of people who aren't total cunts and are fun enough to bullshit and talk with while playing.

But their certainly isn't 2 years+ worth of WoD content that they made you guys play through.


<Bronze Donator>
The logistics of having 20 consistent people (as well as 2-3 backups that don't mind being backups) available for mythic is not fun at all, but we were able to keep that going for 4 nights a week of content from pretty much the start of the expansion up through a couple months ago (after we killed M Archi a few times and people lost interest once we were in farm mode). I'd say that isn't bad.

It's one aspect of the game and it's a very small minority of the player base, but for the mythic raider I think there was a lot to do through most of the expansion cycle.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can certainly see why most of you are tired of the content and don't bother logging in. I started the free trial thing on the 11th of May and have experienced I would say about 90%+ of everything the expansion has to offer. As nice as getting free gold by sitting at a table playing facebook games is I can see why people hate the idea of the garrison bullshit after multiple characters and years of doing it. I still think that dailies (I.E. Chores/ Building a login pattern) are one of the worst things WoW added to this genre that and Achievements. I know when I play the game I find myself doing useless shit I would rather not instead of exploring the world or just because I know it's on the rails I am meant to go and I will be reward with 10 epeen points and/or some other bullshit.

That being said Blizzard has this habit of removing shit from the game if you aren't playing on their schedule so I am finding myself thinking about shit like if I want to go through the hassle to get this Moose mount, or the challenge mode shit, ect. before they remove it. I don't have the cloak from MoP since I quit early in long before it was able to be obtained yet I can still farm Thunderfury so I don't get it at times.

Now it could also be that I am seeing this after everyone is over-geared some but I don't see how Mythic Dungeons are well Mythic.. they feel like they are easier than Vanilla BRD and things, or earlier TBC. Shit I would say more than 1/2 the time some faggot hunter barrages all the things pulling more packs like assclowns and it doesn't even matter in that content. Which is the same as Vanilla feeling at least.

I figure over the next month or so before legion my biggest goals in playing this game are to ensure I snag enough gold to buy tokens, to level a couple of other characters to prepare for the next xpac, to get used to all of the addons and build a decent UI before then, and find a group of people who aren't total cunts and are fun enough to bullshit and talk with while playing.

But their certainly isn't 2 years+ worth of WoD content that they made you guys play through.
The mythic dungeons suffered a bit from being relesed super late in the expansion when a lot of people already were overgearing what they could get from the mythic by a good margin. It was a good idea but for it to have been more challenging as it should have been it should have been released with the expansion not at the tail end of it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Content stopped 12 months ago, it took most people 2 months maybe 3 to kill heroic or mythic arch depending on your guild. So either you have been farming or you unsubbed like the majority of my guild. Thats a good six months of looking at HFC and or being glad you unsubbed.

If Blizzard really wanted to keep their subs up they really should spread out the raiding tiers more and thus lower the lack of content between the last content patch and the release of a new expansion. What amazes me is the tryhards on my friends list that have raided HFC all the way through, what drives a person like that anymore?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yes unless they can figure out these one + year gaps in any patching besides hotfixes they need to spread their raids they do have out more. I honestly enjoyed a lot of WOD the level up experience was pretty fun I really enjoyed the zones. Most of the classes were in a pretty decent shape for most of the expansion other than arms warrior which usability was fine but so god awful boring.

Their addition of the heirloom tab was freaking nice I got a lot of alts I was kinda thinking about playing to 100 because of that. It just makes redoing stuff you have already done a number of times so much quicker and allows you to have fun beating up on stuff that may have been a problem for you the first time you did it.

The three raids this expansion were all pretty fun at least doing them casually like I do. Still this is an expansion that seemed to be missing a major content patch. If they had one more big feature add content patch and keep the last lull until the next expansion down to 6-8 months I think most would have been pretty okay with it. But this expansion basically had two content patches with one bug fix/small feature add like the heirloom thing between them.

One of the weirdest things that always kinda bugs me about WOD even though I loved the zones/story in the zones the whole WOD setting is a big wtf. So they wanted to go back and call a do over on the burning crusade so time travel. And the weirdest thing is most of the story about why you are doing any of this or why it happened in the first place happens in a damn novel most people never heard of let alone read.

At least in legion the IN GAME have information about the hit/lead up stuff from the illidan book so everything you need to know about what is going on and what you are doing happens actually in the game so if you don't know what is happening you either chose not to do those quests or you were not paying attention to them.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
How many people even read the lore beyond go collect 10 bear asses? I stopped giving a shit about their stories a long time ago.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What amazes me is the tryhards on my friends list that have raided HFC all the way through, what drives a person like that anymore?
Enjoying the company of the people you raid with? When content's on farm, the raid is just a backdrop to chatting, more or less. And a source of amusement when someone dies to something they should have stopped dying to a year ago.


Trakanon Raider
How many people even read the lore beyond go collect 10 bear asses? I stopped giving a shit about their stories a long time ago.
Really depends for me...if the story is engaging, I'll generally read the main quest stuff. Sometimes I'll even stop myself when I was about to ignore it, but I usually end up skimming anyway. The Harrison Jones stuff, for instance, I got a bit annoyed when I had to read the "clues" to figure out where to go. And I never read the big, long lore books.
Any dailies or alt-stuff I've already done I definitely click through, though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
How many people even read the lore beyond go collect 10 bear asses? I stopped giving a shit about their stories a long time ago.
The bear ass ones I don't think anybody reads but most of the zones have a few major story quest lines that tend to have enough voice work these days and cutscene type stuff that they are pretty interesting and easy to stay up with whats going on and who is doing what.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Galactic Guardian Your damage has a 50% 10% chance to trigger a free automatic Moonfire on that target. When this occurs, the next Moonfire you cast generates 15 Rage. Guardian Druid - Level 75 Talent.

AWWWW I am going to miss disco bear but it was WAAAAAY to strong at 50% chance and far to blinding. With swipe and rend it still will be procing very often even at 10%. Still I am glad I got a chance to try it out in broken mode because it was one of the most damn hilarious things I have seen in wow pulling a group and let the strobe lights begin.

lower case g

Lord Nagafen Raider
Has anyone used ISBoxer. I RAF'd myself with that $5 WoW key for the mount. Getting tired of tabbing between characters, and have to loot, accept, and turn in quests twice.


Got something right about marriage
I use HotKeyNet. It's free and works just fine. And make sure you get the Jamba addon for WoW


Molten Core Raider
How do you guys figure out what is useful as transmog gear? Is there a list somewhere of popular gear?