World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Aren't they removing twinks with legion? I might be willing to dick around on a character at level 19 or 29 but you will have to make sure you get your fill quickly before they take it away.
Twinking looks to be pretty pointless in legion. Your stats are almost directly tied to your ilevel so there is a pretty solid cap on what you would be running into gear wise in the low level brackets.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh so they're basically removing the enchants while in a BG? Lame.
Not exactly eliminating them but they gear and effects on gear has a minor impact on your power in PVP. It will make you stronger if you have full enchants but its not like now where somebody in that bracket can have have 3-4 times more health and damage than somebody who does not no about or how to twink. Currently PVP is a really bad introduction to newer players nobody likes being an utter victim where even at the same ilevel they stood no reasonable chance vs the twinks regardless of skill. This also allows them to more specically tweak/boost/nerf specific classes/specs that are over/under performing for a better balance in pvp.


Blackwing Lair Raider
HAHA actually I think this is going to be part of the balancing pass. Some of the tanks currently do LOLOLOLOLOL levels of damage. The damage in pvp is pretty all over the damn place at the moment I am holding off any comments about it much more than that until at least a solid damage pass or two happens.


Toe Sucker
tbh they should make crusader strike a 10 second cd again. THOSE WERE THE DAYS
at least it's not 30 second seals you release with judgement and have to recast, blarghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghgh

HAHA actually I think this is going to be part of the balancing pass. Some of the tanks currently do LOLOLOLOLOL levels of damage. The damage in pvp is pretty all over the damn place at the moment I am holding off any comments about it much more than that until at least a solid damage pass or two happens.
it'll definitely get adjusted, just cracked me up at how bursty that shit is


Blackwing Lair Raider
Eventually once people get good sets of gear it will have some impact but it is just not the crazy damage amplification that has been seen up to now. So in theory PVP should become a lot more skill based with a more even playing field.


They released "cinematic trailer" for the demons invading for Legion. It's exactly the same as the original trailer, but with a song.

It just makes me think of this and I can't stop laughing



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Obviously we need a video of legion-pruned abilities fading off of hotbars set to Dust in the Wind.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
On a side note I am still looking for a group to play with once legion comes out.. I would play in the rerolled guild but it seems dead, so if anyone has some suggestions I am open. Also I snagged a couple of the $5 battlechest so I think I am going to raf myself up a few characters but it would be more fun to have some people to bullshit with while doing so. I wouldn't mind getting a couple of characters on horde and alliance. If anyone is interested PM me as I have a pretty open schedule the next couple of months maybe we can find a small group of 3-5 people to make it super quick an easy, I figure there might be a few out there with some accounts from seeing the movie who want to get back into it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The rerolled guild should pick back up after the pre expansion patch. I know I'll be around then. No reason for me to sub atm though.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
No reason for me to sub atm though.
Unless you have a ready garrison+shipyard setup for gold or want lots of free BOE green transmog, no there's none until 7.0 by mid/late july.

You even have time in 7.0 to raise your gathering skill to 700 because they decided to make the main crafting reagent, Blood of Sargeras, BOP instead of at least BOA. Meaning that you need to pick useless herbalism or mining to sustain your tailoring.

Rant mode on: it's another late decision made without even thinking about the implications. The avowed purpose is to make "your profession meaningful", and when you look at the current setup, it's obvious it wasn't designed that way at all. For example, Alchemy has a Transmute Blood of Sargeras, but has the lowest amount of crafting recipes using it (3 variants of a unique BOP alchemy trinket).

I was looking for a reason to maybe drop inscription from my main, it might be the one.


Potato del Grande
So are Garrison's just worthless in Legion because of the class halls? Since garrison is Draenor only stuff I don't see it ever being used again.