World of Warcraft: Current Year


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I gave up on the ele one for now. I've still barely played the spec at all but I was hoping at 909 I would have had a decent shot at killing it but I guess not. Best attempt I had was around 35% multiple times before things go to complete shit. I noticed a couple times that she'd put her shield up and I could dump shitloads of damage into it but that bar didn't move at all and this was with no other adds up or anything and I'd have to just quit the scenario once a new wave of heal imps came out. Happened maybe twice but I don't know if I'm just imagining shit.

Would have kept trying but I apparently scared my cat with all my yelling and banging and got my BF mad at me. :( Might just wait until I have more gear.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Finished Sin one as well... at 896 and without an utility legendary it was a bit challenging.. but after i figured out the hidden rune thing it got easy.... I swear I wiped 8+ times last night to runes "instantly" blowing up which turned out to be hidden ones under green pools.... Nice to have it done as I think its probably bugged... would be a lot harder if the mechanics continued past ~60% but for some reason the fight all-but stalls at that point and its just dodging a few simple things and dpsing the bosses.

Two things I did to help make it easier was keep the mobs on the outside ring for fel pool spawns and I popped a prolong power just before the ~70% chaos phase begins (where runes and valkryes spawn crazy fast....). That gave me a bit more health to take the aoe damage as I ran around like an idiot doing mechanics.
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Vyemm Raider
Yeah i did it before work this morning - and im pretty sure a few aspects are indeed bugged - Ive had runes detonate upon spawning more than a couple times - However im glad its over with, curious to try the Outlaw version but my Outlaw spec has like no points in its weapons. My GF is hating on the MW monk version


I do really like these challenges but doesn't it sort of defeat the purpose of a challenge if they didn't cap ilvl so you can literally outgear them later on? lol


Got something right about marriage
So just based on what's happened for me on my DK since broken shore opened up I think the wyrmtongue chests, dauntless tokens and rare elites in broken shore add to legendary bad luck protection.

I've been running around out there a lot the past few days looting chests and killing rares for war supplies and nethershards and have gotten 3 legendaries as a result. 1 each of the past 3 days.

None of them were from the chests or tokens themselves, which I know can also drop/become legendaries but Blizzard had said they wouldn't contribute to bad luck protection so either I'm really lucky or they actually do contribute contrary to blizzard's quotes.


A Mod Real Quick
I would just assume anything that can drop a legendary contributes to bad luck protection, regardless of what the shitass programmers at blizzard say


A Mod Real Quick
Yea he used Purify belt legendary, apparently it did over 10 million in healing to him over the fight and he ended the fight at like 10%.

edit: quoted numbers wrong
Yeah unfortunately I have kind of shitty legendaries for this. Helmet, prydaz, and the trinket.

Looks like they hotfixed the first boss in coen, nerfing the adds


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
So because these worthless pieces of garbage shit don't bother to test their fucking game the last boss of Court of Stars is back to apeshit insane level stupid. So they fixed it where the clones would not spawn volcanoes people were happy and then they added exploding. Well that shit spawns on the clones and by the end of the fight on 10+ they start to get out of fucking control. Goddamn they need to start firing some of these talentless hack fucks and maybe they will learn to do some quality control.


Got something right about marriage
First Legion Assault is finally active, in Aszuna. Looks like they stay up for 6 hours.


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
So explosive is apparently retarded level stupid in a few zones. Bats can spawn the fucking things in BRH so get fucked there, Vault the walls she summons can spawn that shit apparently so melee get fucked. I mean who the fuck allows this live?


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
Test your shit on the PTR before you release it you dumb retarded faggots.

Dungeons and Raids

  • (Hotfix in testing) Creatures in Mythic Keystone dungeons that do not proc Bolstering on death should also no longer summon Explosive Orbs.