World of Warcraft: Current Year


Got something right about marriage
They must have put the explosives hotfix in because they are indeed tab targettable now and they have basically no hp. They seem very easy to deal with.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
So they have felbats attacking the mage tower now with a countdown timer until its gone. Of course, your town full of badasses is just letting it happen lol.

I'm sure Illidan and Khadgar are talking about some seriously important shit that they can't be disturbed by what's going on right in front of them.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I like the idea of constructing them. It makes the world feel a little more alive. However, the fact that they're going to be destroyed is pants-on-headed retarded.


French Madman
The timing for the invasions seems retarded.
It ends up being up between 9am and 3pm here. Looks like Blizzard completely forgot people have jobs.


A Mod Real Quick
Guys. Fuck!!! The mage tower fell!! We didn't even defend it

Wanna build another ? Same spot?
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Get er dun.

It's okay, Khadbro, Illidan, and the rest of you. Just stand over there. We got this.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
i am on the verge of taking a hiatus i think, i am pretty salty with blizzard. Maybe i'll just drop down and just be a heroic raider for the time being.

my major issues currently;

1. untested content - the mage tower challenges obviously weren't tested internally by competent players. i still think no prot paladins have been able to complete it, 1 BrM in the world, i think very few DH's as well. - blizzards inability to give a response if the idea is "this is tuned for ToS gear and very specific legendaries" so far has been ignored. if this is the idea, then buff the rest of the encounters, my wife who is arguably not the greatest player in the world finished her assassination appearance last night after about 20 attempts at 892 wearing a non-optimal legendaries.

2. invasions not working - basically i got a "sucks to be you" response from blizzard in regards to invasions and was told wait and see if the next one is also broken. basically they said just wait and see if the problem im having with invasions not spawning fixes itself (this is only affecting 1 of my 2 accounts, the account i have literally done zero broken shore quests on it actually works).

3. the perceived problem that BrM are rampantly cheesing mechanics, its very easy to cheese mechanics on heroic but thats just not how it works on Mythic (in 99% of cases) for example i can take 3 solo annihilates on spellblade mythic but it guarantees that my active mitigation is going to be completely down for several seconds following, which requires me to pray i dont get gibbed and i have to be funneled heals. I dont think anyone at blizzard actively plays at a decently high level, and if they do its very few and far between. the tank balance is the worst its ever been, good luck if you are a blood DK or vengeance DH finding a guild. the perception and quote from "celestalon" was BrM can just take xxx ability and then purify 3x....i would like to know which fight he is talking about that allows BrM to purify 3x's without some penalty to our active Mitigation especially if we plan on doing it more than once. its no different than spellwarding or bubbling an ability.

4. the tagging system, currently mobs are limited to (i think) 5 tags. so if i make a group of 5 people and 4 of those people just stand there afk, if i hit a mob with 1 ability it immediately makes it untaggable by any other faction/player. just because im in a group of 5. so you get the nethershard incident where 5 players are standing at 5 different portals and before the hotfix could get ~6k shards in 50 minutes. if you aren't in a group it sucks to be you because everything is going to be perma tagged because certain classes have auto tagging abilities prot paladins, BrM, DK's, rogues, hunters etc all can instantly grab a portals worth of mobs with 1 ability.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
The timing for the invasions seems retarded.
It ends up being up between 9am and 3pm here. Looks like Blizzard completely forgot people have jobs.
I expect those timers to rotate and the area invaded at a given hour to rotate as well. The emissary rotation seemed very random until they finally explained that they had the 7 possible emissary placed once per week, with the emissary for a given day of week rotating over 7 weeks. They probably have a similar type of rotation scheduled.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
4. the tagging system, currently mobs are limited to (i think) 5 tags. so if i make a group of 5 people and 4 of those people just stand there afk, if i hit a mob with 1 ability it immediately makes it untaggable by any other faction/player. just because im in a group of 5. so you get the nethershard incident where 5 players are standing at 5 different portals and before the hotfix could get ~6k shards in 50 minutes. if you aren't in a group it sucks to be you because everything is going to be perma tagged because certain classes have auto tagging abilities prot paladins, BrM, DK's, rogues, hunters etc all can instantly grab a portals worth of mobs with 1 ability.

That whole system of farming nethershards is stupid as fuck in my opinion. Somewhat neat concept, implemented in perhaps the shittiest and most abuseable way possible.

This whole expansion has been about focusing on dungeons and world quests, so yeah, let's make this open world tagging frenzy the best way to do something! YAY!


A Mod Real Quick
i am on the verge of taking a hiatus i think, i am pretty salty with blizzard. Maybe i'll just drop down and just be a heroic raider for the time being.

my major issues currently;

1. untested content - the mage tower challenges obviously weren't tested internally by competent players. i still think no prot paladins have been able to complete it, 1 BrM in the world, i think very few DH's as well. - blizzards inability to give a response if the idea is "this is tuned for ToS gear and very specific legendaries" so far has been ignored. if this is the idea, then buff the rest of the encounters, my wife who is arguably not the greatest player in the world finished her assassination appearance last night after about 20 attempts at 892 wearing a non-optimal legendaries.

2. invasions not working - basically i got a "sucks to be you" response from blizzard in regards to invasions and was told wait and see if the next one is also broken. basically they said just wait and see if the problem im having with invasions not spawning fixes itself (this is only affecting 1 of my 2 accounts, the account i have literally done zero broken shore quests on it actually works).

3. the perceived problem that BrM are rampantly cheesing mechanics, its very easy to cheese mechanics on heroic but thats just not how it works on Mythic (in 99% of cases) for example i can take 3 solo annihilates on spellblade mythic but it guarantees that my active mitigation is going to be completely down for several seconds following, which requires me to pray i dont get gibbed and i have to be funneled heals. I dont think anyone at blizzard actively plays at a decently high level, and if they do its very few and far between. the tank balance is the worst its ever been, good luck if you are a blood DK or vengeance DH finding a guild. the perception and quote from "celestalon" was BrM can just take xxx ability and then purify 3x....i would like to know which fight he is talking about that allows BrM to purify 3x's without some penalty to our active Mitigation especially if we plan on doing it more than once. its no different than spellwarding or bubbling an ability.

4. the tagging system, currently mobs are limited to (i think) 5 tags. so if i make a group of 5 people and 4 of those people just stand there afk, if i hit a mob with 1 ability it immediately makes it untaggable by any other faction/player. just because im in a group of 5. so you get the nethershard incident where 5 players are standing at 5 different portals and before the hotfix could get ~6k shards in 50 minutes. if you aren't in a group it sucks to be you because everything is going to be perma tagged because certain classes have auto tagging abilities prot paladins, BrM, DK's, rogues, hunters etc all can instantly grab a portals worth of mobs with 1 ability.
They're already backpedaling on some things. I don't have the link but they essentially said the stagger cap would be pushed WAY back to like 1000% - which to me is perfectly reasonable. It's still stupid to cap us rather than fix other things, but I can't imagine a situation where I'd hit 1000% (5.5Mhp x 10 = 55M stagger). They also said that they'd be doing something else with ISB because they realize that we rely on having that up all the time.

This mystical scenario they have where we're purifying75% of or damage all the time is nuts. I don't even know what data they're even looking at.

Nothing wrong with the heroic raider lifestyle.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
For the first time in a while, I find myself not caring about being online for most things. Not going to bother with alts at this point except to advance their AK (unclear if there will be a catch-up mechanism immediately, and that's the only reason I'm doing this). Not going to bother farming for AP until AK is at least above 40. Don't really care about M+ past 10, and even then, I don't really care anyway since I'm i900+ now and I can count on one hand the number of weekly chests that have ever been useful to me.

If Blizzard is attempting to slow the pace, they've succeeded on a grand scale, but not because the content is worth waiting for. It's because the content they're giving us is either a) completely broken, or b) not worth doing, or a combination of both.
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The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
Honestly it reminds me of SoE and other shit studios who become complacent and arrogant. They are the only game in town and they know it, the player base they have is so entrenched they don't even seem to care about the players in general. The fact they keep taking ideas from arguably the worst game they ever made Diablo 3 and keep shoving it into WoW is a big fuck you to everyone.

Hopefully they start seeing a huge drop in subs soon. Of course instead of learning from it correctly they will do a huge knee jerk 180 like they always do and go off in some other retarded direction. The first step would be firing that faggot Ion and stop hiring people from fucking guilds and shit instead of actual programmers.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I got Agatha for the Fury challenge to 10% last night and it was my best attempt before raid time. I tried a few attempts after raid and got 20 - 30%, but started getting tired and just couldn't focus anymore. I guess I'll have to wait for next mage tower cycle.

At first, I felt bummed that I missed the first invasion, but then I felt that I don't care enough about flying that I missed it. From the sound of guildies doing the invasions they're annoying, long and buggy. I don't think after I do all them the first time I'd go back for more.

Take this with a grain of salt, but I heard that if you were to race change / server transfer it's been resetting your legendary chance for that character. So people would race/server change until they get 2 legendaries, change again until another 2 then rinse repeat. I just transferred as I applied to another mythic guild on another server and I guess I'll see if this actually holds up.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I like how I went from having to do 4 WQs a day to doing 13-14. Eat shit and die blizzard.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I guess an hour to them seems long?

I don't know, it didn't sound like I was going to get it done before raid started as I got stuck at work longer than usual. But I really could care less about flying as with the warrior hall we readily have access to each zone and the whistle is such a good item.