World of Warcraft: Current Year

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
lol brought my warrior in to H-NH as a spot filler for an extra 20% chance at an extra piece (i 2 boxed) got aggramar's stride rip - karma making up for the monk leg

so the total now is

Warrior - aggramars, prydaz, Archimondes, Bracers, destiny driver
Monk - Bracers, chest, prydaz, symbiote, shitty MW ring
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So much for a big achievement for pathfinder, just need revered lul

I'm not complaining. I'm gonna go farm boxes to get revered tonight/tomorrow. The dungeon gives rep as well, in M and M+ anyways


Molten Core Raider
Did MM Hunter skin, wasn't too hard at 906, took a few tries. Then did a little look at BM hunter tips and gave it a shot, what a joke of a challenge. Basically, wear healing pants and interrupt a mob and you auto win.


A Mod Real Quick
Thinking about the flying change made me wonder if someone was finally like "seriously guys what the fuck? What the fuck have you been doing? Who the fuck is even in charge here?" Then slapped their dick out onto the table. But realistically the code was probably too hard to fix so they said fuck it. Maybe next we will just get flying for free.


what Suineg set it to
Ion Drive Hotchkisszanmanaka or whatever clearly has no capacity for leadership. You need to have other talents than 'I were smart once' to properly manage and lead a large team/project with a diverse and complex set of objectives.

Absolutely no experienced product manager is going to try a stunt like 'hide a new feature no one wants and see if all our paying customers hate us'. What a fucking joke.

Ironically, this time around it's precisely their inept decision to ignore their consumers and basic business sense that has caused the problem. Ion ran (I think) EJ, and it's clear there's a hard focus on systems and a hard reorient around devs-think-about-what-players-think-instead-of-asking because of the huge hatred for everything in WoD. There is no one in charge of the WoW team who is concerned with numbers, if they had been they would be very concerned with isolating why those sub rates were changing at any given time. I'm sure that will change once they get a handle on modelling their new post-PLEX subscription model.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Welp, gave up on the ele one for now. I just honestly suck balls at this spec apparently if I can't even get close with 911 ilvl and neck/pants. Maybe I could have done the enh one, but I didn't even try the thing yet. Guess I'll try again next time it comes around. It's really kind of stupid this is gated on having the mage tower, though. Eventually people are going to stop doing this dumb broken shore shit and nothing's going to get built at some point. Also fun is having flame shock bug out during the scenario and getting a 6 second CD put on it for no reason.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
so the invasions are no longer required for flying due to the outcry from the invasions lol

fuck off alk i was first!
Yea. Althought it could be done over time, the pressure to get flying "right now" (which they refuse to formally acknowledge, since they dislike the idea of players flying around) is probably going to cause more frustrations, on top of existing frustrations.

You can afford to frustrate the 1%er of mythic raiding. You can't afford to frustrate 90% of your playerbase.

(I still think the base invasion achieve should have been changed to "do one once, that's it", it would probably have been more fitting)


That's hilarious. Instead of changing the time slot/duration of the fucking invasions so that everyone can do them easily, they just drop the thing completely and make them irrelevant.

I'm curious if they just.. can't do that. I remember in the first few weeks of the game with WQs being up, they were saying they can't change the world quests at all because of the way they were made to be randomized. There was a huge thing when Withered Jim spawned 2 weeks in a row the first 2 weeks and a lot of people bitched. They bitched so much that they completely reset every single WQ and everyone had 3 caches to do.

They might've just borked it themselves and were never able to fix it. I can't think of any other reason why a WQ for invasions would spawn at 4-10 AM, they know that is not primetime anywhere in the world, lol.


They should have just had the Invasions be up for 24-Hours. The zone is instanced/phased/whatever when the Invasion is up (As proven by the Azuna one - When it despawned, all of the regular WQs in the zone spawned, some of them with only 2 or 3 hours left on their timer)


Registered Hodor
Yeah they could have avoided all this if they left them up longer or went with the pre-Legion invasions where they were up every 2 or 4 hours. Instead they went with the FedEx/Cox Cable "we'll be there sometime between 9 and 3, sorry if we miss you maybe we can try again next week".


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The invasions aren't irrelevant yet. The rewards still net you useful stuff for the broken shores, but it doesn't feel like you get fucked by RNG for flying.

On a side note, yesterday I donated 100 supplies for the building and get the brewmaster hat which makes zen meditation have a 2.5min CD and doesnt get canceled by movement or melee hits, so basically I can take 40% dmg for 8 seconds on a 2.5m cd now. Nice ;)

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
"Can't" is such a ridiculous term when it comes to anything programmed into this game. Of course they "can". I mean, they made it work this way in the first place, right? Why does anyone passively go along with the suggestion that things are stuck the way they are?


"Can't" is such a ridiculous term when it comes to anything programmed into this game. Of course they "can". I mean, they made it work this way in the first place, right? Why does anyone passively go along with the suggestion that things are stuck the way they are?
Interns can only do so much
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