World of Warcraft: Current Year


Got something right about marriage
Well the nerf swung the pendulum back in favor of M+ runs while mage tower is up with that particular buff.

Even mythic raids don't drop them enough for it to be worthwhile now, only M+ which based on my 6 or so runs seems to be a guaranteed drop per extra chest at end of run. 3 chesting is getting me a guaranteed 2 extra.

So guess what... back to chain running 2 and 3 as fast as possible for 3 chests and extra tokens...

Their wisdom is astounding. I said it as soon as they announce this shit... you're not going to be able to stop people from grinding out points unless you remove the system entirely. And any "hotfix" they put in to deter people from farming only hurts the people they're trying to help instead... you know... the people who still run lower difficult dungeons where the shit no longer drops.


Got something right about marriage
Oh and I finally beat the Frost DK challenge. Once I started waiting for my cooldowns to come back up before going back in (fuck you Blizzard, why does BoS not reset?) I started getting to P2 every time and it only took me about 10 attempts after that.


A Mod Real Quick
Well the nerf swung the pendulum back in favor of M+ runs while mage tower is up with that particular buff.

Even mythic raids don't drop them enough for it to be worthwhile now, only M+ which based on my 6 or so runs seems to be a guaranteed drop per extra chest at end of run. 3 chesting is getting me a guaranteed 2 extra.

So guess what... back to chain running 2 and 3 as fast as possible for 3 chests and extra tokens...

Their wisdom is astounding. I said it as soon as they announce this shit... you're not going to be able to stop people from grinding out points unless you remove the system entirely. And any "hotfix" they put in to deter people from farming only hurts the people they're trying to help instead... you know... the people who still run lower difficult dungeons where the shit no longer drops.
Yay. I love chain running mythic dungeond


Got something right about marriage
Yay. I love chain running mythic dungeond

For some reason they don't seem to understand that:

1) The mage tower buff is temporary and random, there are 4 possible buffs that go up with mage tower, this is only one of them so who cares if you can farm a shitload of AP for 3 days every 2 weeks.
2) You can have it both ways. You can make it so you get the guaranteed drops for extra chests in M+ and people will do that because you also get gear AND you can drop the tokens at random in heroics or M0. You can have it both damn ways.
3) They will never be able to stop people from farming. If you give people an attainable power increase they are going to go after that power increase. And the players they are trying to stop literally can't be stopped unless you make it completely worthless for everyone in the game, not just the hardcore.


A Mod Real Quick
It's just causing burnout en masse

Here's the real.problem here. They gave everyone his attainable 54 trait system. There was a grind and a lot of people.hit the max. Instead of celebrating that and furthering weapons through relics, they wipe us clean and make us all start over again at the same point. I don't know about other people, but that really takes the wind out of my sails. I mean I guess mission accomplished because that's what blizzard wanted - passively gain AP don't grind.

I'm of the same mindset as alkorin. I'm sorry but I'm tired of running M+. I typically aim for the highest level I can get per week and then call it good. Typically that's a Friday night post raid thing for me and that's it. Hell, 905 gear isn't even that great in a lot of slots for me anymore.

I know I'm technically more casual than most raiders , but I feel many probably feel the same.


Got something right about marriage
All of that in inconsequential. That's how you played when you could grind, that's how you'll play when you can't. Nothing changed for you. And it shouldn't, you should do what you enjoy otherwise why even bother?

Taking an option away from someone who liked it just because other players didn't want to do it is pointles. As long as there is something, anything, to do in any game ever that is lucrative and worthwhile people are going to feel like they have to do it maximize efficiency. It doesn't matter what it is. And the only way to stop people from feeling like that is to make a game where nothing is worth doing.


A Mod Real Quick
Sorry I didn't mean I typically did that before, I was grinding M+ on my monk but now I think I'll not be doing that. I was in a haze debugging code - Blizzard hates me, find out my secret.


Registered Hodor
So they've responded to the invasion fuckery and it's basically "tough shit if you have to work".

I know everyone is eager to get these assaults done in order to unlock flying, and the timing of the current assault isn't really ideal for those who are at work, school or handling other real world commitments.

However, the assaults are here to stay for the foreseeable future so everyone will have ample opportunities to get them done. There will always be at least one assault per day.

Also some guy from reddit extrapolated the invasion times based off what we've seen so far. Granted it's speculation but if they really end up falling on these times that's some serious incompetence in play:

So, extrapolating: (US realms, EST cuz that's where I am)

Azsuna: Tuesday 5pm-11pm

Val'Sharah: Wednesday 11am-5pm

Highmountain*: Thursday 5am-11am

Stormheim: Thursday 11pm-Friday 5am

Azsuna: Friday 5pm-11pm

Val'Sharah: Saturday 11am-5pm

Highmountain: Sunday 5am-11am

Stormheim: Sunday 11pm-Monday 5am

Azsuna: Monday 5pm-11pm

Val'Sharah: Tuesday 11am-5pm

Highmountain: Wednesday 5am-11am

Stormheim: Wednesday 11pm-Thursday 5am


Importantly, this would mean that certain zones are stuck in their timeslot. Highmountain looks like it might require you to get up early(ish) on Sunday morning (condolences to those on the west coast), make sure you get Val'sharah in on Saturday 'cause it's the workhours invasion and it won't be up on a weekend for another couple weeks.

*I'm assuming we just go in a west-east direction, but Highmountain/Stormheim could be swapped in the cycle.

** I'm extrapolating this from only 2 data points so, this could be inaccurate. But this would seem to be how it's going to shake out.


A Mod Real Quick
I tried the artifact quest ten more times and I'm just getting completely fucked. There's just no way at all.


I want to do my prot one but if mythic prot paladins are saying they can't even get him to 50% then I'm pretty sure I'm not going to either.


Registered Hodor
nice nice nice. I just wanted flying and don't care that much about the invasions. They can all be at 9AM or 2AM now if they want.

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