Lame... If they do this. That's just putting a cork in things. The Lich King was replaced. Illidan was imprisoned. Gul'Dan was too. Both were released. At least we won't have to fight Archimonde, Kiljaeden, or Gul'Dan again. Where's the finality to this story. I want to kick Sargeras' ass, not put a diaper on his essence. It's not even a good redemption for Illidan, thought it does allow him to "go out" on his terms. At least, until some shitlord comes along and releases the Sargeras empowered Illidan. So next expansion is starting to wreak of a Lich King return, maybe some more void lord action, celestials, or some other Titans. Or baby black dragon grows up. Only thing that might excite me is if the Lich King makes Jaina into a Bitch, err, Lich. She's already a bitch. Maybe they'll do something completely left field and have an alien invasion, now that tech has advanced far enough to attract attention. Then they could return the the old world, and give the rotting Azeroth and Kalimdor a reason for existing besides a main cities for an auction house. Wouldn't mind world quests in the old world. Iono, just spit balling since nothing would really make sense. Maybe an alternate reality version of Argus the expansion after next like they did with Outland/Draenor... /wrist