MOP Heroics did not feel like much of a ramp up in power comparatively. At the beginning of Cata I remember being absolutely starved for mana as a healer and going "holy fuck wtf is going on, there is so much damage" but MOP was primarily based around hard hitting things that you could avoid or were healed up if someone was retarded and did not. (Or you let them die because I literally cannot remember a single encounter where letting the retards die didn't increase your chances of success exponentially.)
As far as raids go, I like Siege but jesus fuck there are a lot of bosses and a lot of loot and most of it is shitty. I have the majority of my BiS items, fully upgraded etc and we've only killed up to General Nazgrim. Obviously, a few more bosses will yield a bit more, but out of the 6-7 items or so I have left from this teir as non heroic, 4 of them drop from the first 4-6 bosses. Wtf mate.
Not sure why we needed a gigantic raid zone, filled with shitastic loot.
The fights have been fun though, but on normal I feel like we'll hit a wall because of execution due to our carried players, then once we get over it the next two bosses drop easy as fuck.
Also, resto druids are retarded OP now. There is a significant difference between succeeding at a fight when I am around vs. not. Admittedly, I can also avoid shit like fire, and usually take the "extra" jobs where necessary, so that goes into it, but druid healers atm feel a bit more like wrath. We definitely got more smart heals, but it's really geared more towards "Heal the fuck out of everyone and stack hots" which is pretty much where we were in wrath. The set bonuses for t15-16 are geared towards making either rejuve or wild growth better (And since druids can now effectively gear the fuck out of spirit again, there's literally no reason not to pepper the shit out of your raid with both spells) and coupled with the legendary cloak which turns all overhealing into split smart healing when it procs...yea. There are some fights I will end up 50-60% of healing done, second most effective healing being spirit of chi-ji and ending with full mana.
A bit much, but it's a nice change from priest's wtf smart healing everything so that my hots are just overhealing that go nowhere and can't heal fast enough before someone's proc heals the person the rest of the way.
TL;DR - Nerf druids, fuck Siege loot.
Edit: Also, before someone says something, it's not all "hella heals". The main reason priests and paladins were so strong in this xpac (and most of cata) was synergy and variance in heals. Between absorbs, dmg reducers, pre-emptive heals, hots, instants, loads of smart heals, and oh shit cooldowns like LOH, Guardian Spirit etc, they had the best toolkits for healing on top of their spells granting superb synergy. That's not to say druids didn't, but fuck.
Dragon Soul was fun just because druids were probably *the* best healers in there as it had the best encounters for our type of healing - somewhat mobile with grouping stages that had intermittent dmg that was easily healed (And most effectively healed) by tranq or a treant wild growth.
Now you cast rejuve, for cheap, cast swiftmend/genesis off of it, with 2 pc t16 it will stack up an instant, free healing touch and will build up your wild mushroom. Wild growth will instant heal with 4 pc t16, heals more people for more with treant form and the overheal gets added to spirit of chi-ji. Around and around we go! Perma efflorescence with wild shroom is freaking ridic too; I was wary about it being decoupled from swiftmend with glyph, but since you can just move the shroom and keep it fully charged until you're ready, you can just pick it up and drop it for bonus heals and then pop it when necessary.
It's over the top now, but it's a nice change from the beginning of this xpac. We might see a balance pass but they may leave us until they retune for the next xpac.