Killed mythic KJ last night and goddamn does it feel good to be done with that shit ass fight. We wish we could have gotten him pre-nerf as we were already working on last phase for a bit, but the nerfs are very apparent and make the fight a lot easier. We snagged US ~90th for the kill, which I guess is cool.
Blizz knew the fight was shit when they had to move the tier that he dropped to other bosses early on after releasing the raid. I felt more relief than joy that we down him as I feel it's the most unforgiving fight and I wouldn't care if I was there for the reclear kills.
This was our total wipe count for the entire tier:
Goroth - 4
Harjatan - 14
Demonic Inquisition - 11
Sisters of the Moon - 62
Desolate Host - 37
Mistress Sassz'ine - 265 (lol)
Maiden of Vigilance - 84
Fallen Avatar - 236
Kil'jaeden - 278
I feel Mistress was really just one of those fights that could've been done under 200 or even less pulls, but sometimes people would be bad or we would have shitty raid placement when fighting her at the end phase. This fight almost broke the guild and just made people frustrated as all hell and some people just take a break from raiding. We lost a chunk of our roster and a bunch of US ranks.
I'd say most of these KJ wipes are just missed soaks throughout the phases and people just derping and forgetting to soak the big ones or people dying to the orbs from the erupting reflections.
Really just one of the worst tiers that blizzard has ever released, from a mythic standpoint and I hope that the next tier is going to better.