A Mod Real Quick
Watch a kiljaeden mythic video and if that makes you horny then sign upYou fuckers are really making me want to play WoW =\
Watch a kiljaeden mythic video and if that makes you horny then sign upYou fuckers are really making me want to play WoW =\
I think DK is just a very strong tank now. Monks were the Kings of nighthold, but then again druids might've topped them on guldanI have stubbornly stuck with a Warrior for ages but sometimes they make that choice hard to do as Bears have been top shit all xpac and Brews are looking like they will be top in the new raid but whatever. I do enjoy the DK so maybe I should play that class more.
I see the nickname Tomb of Soaks is well deserved...The intermission is just the most painful part of the fight as it was soak, soak, soak! People even got toxic at others for falling off because they may have been in a bad position after soaking , since you only get a few seconds to run to the other side of the platform.
Have your MTs actually done the difficult content on Demon Hunters?
Watch a kiljaeden mythic video and if that makes you horny then sign up
I have every tank except for paladin but most aren't geared that well most are around 920ish. we are running 3 tanks for KJ DK/Bear/Monk(me) we are going to have the DK swap to her bear for the roar next week.