It's still to make a piece of gear that is higher then any drops currently in the game and equal to the highest of titanforges. If it took less then that I would be disappointed. Everyone would be full 355 and there would be no reason to do any content.It's not a guaranteed drop. I've done 20 M0s and only have 4 or 5 I believe.
If they drop from m+ then you can actually grind them outWe get it Fyff. You love time gating and think it's a great component of gaming.
"Sound like I want it handed to me"... yea me saying I'd gladly grind this shit out if I was able to and that is much preferred to this artificial cockblock time gate bullshit is the same as saying just mail me the item when I log in. It's 2 items, what exactly is the problem with allowing players access to them if they put the time in ASAP? I'm sure you won't be able to come up with a logical argument.
By the time m plus is out you will get the same or better ilvl from heroic and m plus. It's a time gate because they want you to log on for 3 weeks before raids drop. Khane is literally retarded. He wants to finish all content in a day then complain he is bored.If they drop from m+ then you can actually grind them out
By the time m plus is out you will get the same or better ilvl from heroic and m plus. It's a time gate because they want you to log on for 3 weeks before raids drop. Khane is literally retarded. He wants to finish all content in a day then complain he is bored.
If they drop from m+ then you can actually grind them out
Aw, you gotta wait a week and a half for the best item in the game.
By the time m plus is out you will get the same or better ilvl from heroic and m plus.
Yep, that's what would happen. I'd complain that I'm bored. Listen Fyff I know this is a hard concept for you to understand but if there is so little content in a brand fucking new expansion that I'd be able to do everything in one week and they need to force me to slow down so I'm not bored right out of the gate, there is a major problem with the game.
It's like you have Stockholm Syndrome for Blizzard.
The gear is raid prep gear. I know it's a hard concept to get.I like that your defense of the game is indistinguishable from criticism of the game.
There's something to be said for completing your objectives so you don't have to log all the time. You put in the extra effort now so it's off your plate.
There's nothing wrong with a forty year mortgage! Wait, you want a ten year? Where's your drive going to come from once you've paid it off!?! It's like you just want home ownership handed to you.
The gear is raid prep gear. I know it's a hard concept to get.
The gear is raid prep gear. I know it's a hard concept to get.
What statements have I posted that were a straw man? The gear is meant to get you ready for raid and they want you to work for it. It's really not a hard concept.So it's just some transitional gear and not all that big of a deal? Then why the hyperbolic strawman of "you just want the best items in the game handed to you."