So if I pick this up later in the week will i be able to understand it/get into the game despite not having played since 07?
I tried back in about last January . My friend gave em an account with a max Shaman (my old main class), and a few level 100-105 chars. The game was just so overwhelming and only superficially like the one i used to play it seemed. I was told by some guys from discord that i would have a better chance if i tried after a new xpac. is there a good reason to think this may be true/ or will i likely just run into the same problems?
Short answer: WoW is very forgiving in terms of learning how to play it again.
I left during WOTLK and picked it back up at the end of WoD / beginning of Legion, and I didn't have to spend too much time getting back into rhythm. As long as you don't expect to boost a character and immediately play it perfectly, you're good to go. Also, everything you knew about addons/UI elements is probably grossly outdated, but even some of that survived from my old setup. Just have to put a bit of time in to re-learn and you're fine.
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