Tranny Chaser
Good writeup on the issues that the scrapper, unsurprisingly, has created.
r/wow - The Scrapper has to go. Professions are a mess and need improvement.
I've got tailoring and without the Scrapper I don't see how I could ever get enough Deep Sea Satin / Embroidered Deep Sea Satin to do anything. Combines require a lot of shit and from 110 to 120 I got maybe thirty Deep Sea Satin as drops? I was fucking shocked to see there was a bandage combine that used two of them. Two? Sweet merciful heavens. When I was max level and started trashing everything I had been carrying around it finally made sense. I couldn't believe how much shit the Scrapper kicked out. They had clearly set up the whole thing assuming I'd be throwing everything I got into the infernal machine. I don't really understand why they went that way rather than just having cloth drops and mat requirements both be reasonable. Instead drops are tiny, required mats are substantial, and I straight up depend on the Scrapper to make it all work.
The article doesn't mention this specifically but I'd think a big part of the problem with the Scrapper is that everyone gets tons of surplus Azerite armor and that shit all goes great in the Scrapper. Every Monk, Druid, Demon Hunter, and Rogue regardless of their actual tradeskill professions is throwing all that junk into the thing and getting piles of leather mats back and the amount of people that actually have Leatherworking isn't anywhere near enough for the prices of mats to do anything but tank.