Ok gotcha. The next mythic I tanked dropped a 355 ring and a 350 waist for me. I guess I can't complain.Under personal loot, you average about 1 piece of loot per dungeon. Sometimes it'll be 0, sometimes it'll be 2, most of the time it's 1.
I'm not much in to repeating content anymore then I have to now but in a decent group they are easily the best way to farm azerite.Hmmm...but I actually like doing the expeditions themselves. Its rather fun and pretty relaxing overall. I'm not sure I want them over as fast as possible, as it is I feel a bit 'meh' after I've maxed out the number for the main reward each week as it seems not as worth it to do them.
Its a good thing Warfronts give 7th Legion / Honorbound faction seeing as I'm almost certainly going to be Exalted prior to the damn things opening.
The only difference are the "upgrades" for those outposts, each of them is individual. Annoying as hell though, because those missions are 100 resources to unlock them and most do jack shit.
Wait, what? Suspensions for what?
Seen those flight points that appear when you cross the continent, but don't have a wing icon on the zone map? Those are outposts. When you unlock them, you can claim them and then you have a new flight point plus shit.What are outposts you unlock?
Haven't done that, but in theory, if you unlock WQ with one character, all others of that faction get the WQ unlock quest in their capital as soon as they ding 120.Please god tell me I'll just have WQ's instantly pop up the moment I ding 120.
Did you make it yourself?
I use a suite that included Normal Stagger + Brewmaster Tools + another weak aura that tracks brew times. I can't find the link right now though, however this is what I used all of legion:
I typically don't make my WA's, but is it hard to import someone elses and steal whatever it's doing?Yeah making them myself. I have a nice stagger one and one for roll counting. Just can't get the actual buff timer right. I do like that I have it playing a hiccups sound when it expires though. Haha.
Under personal loot, you average about 1 piece of loot per dungeon. Sometimes it'll be 0, sometimes it'll be 2, most of the time it's 1.
Am I the only one playing mage? All three specs are in a really good place right now. And as far as being rare, I don't really think so. I run into other mages all the time.Are mages rare this expansion? Guild has like 1 that’s being played as a main. Seems they all went to hunters. I though mages were always near the top, as one of the specs was always worthwhile.