Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I quit this season 2-3 months ago. I only play hunter and both ranged hunter specs felt terrible to play. Got my aotc, no desire to do mythic raiding, pushed some 11-12 keys, looked at raider io at the time, there were 2 hunters doing 16s and 8 million dk/shamans. They don't understand how big an impact shit tier class balance on people's desire to keep playing is.
Mid-season rotation changes and gutting specs is out of control as well. Hunter has been reworked twice within a season. Unprecedented for old Blizzard to mess with fundamental gameplay during a season, but is now the new normal. A lot of people quit over that (Mages included).
They have gotten very comfortable making all sorts of changes during push weeks in both Mythic raiding and M+ so why would anyone continue playing trying to fight the developers? Nearly all the changes are net-negative or 0-sum gain rather than addressing the real class imbalances. All changes focus strictly on single target sims. I remember when Arcane mage was 10% ahead of the next highest DPS in Mythic raiding, instead of waiting for gear/skill to improve among the other classes specs they lazy and sloppily -10% base damage to 2 of Arcane's core abilities early season. That's the kneejerk bullshit people have just had enough of. Sweeping early game changes that are unfounded.
And yeah 5 specs making up 40% of total lifetime M+ runs 1-16 is just unacceptable.
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