G'huun is going to cause massive tears amongst casual players. Even on normal, the orb pickup debuff is long enough that in order to have enough throwers to activate the drive enough times, at least two thirds of your raid has to play the orb throwing minigame. That means they all need to both know how to do it and be self-aware enough to all head up to the correct side when it's their turn. This pretty much rules out pugs from ever killing this boss.
Asmongold is doing it with his Followers raid right now lol. It's baaaaaaaad.
They've wiped 15 times at least on normal.
Just got lvl 370 shoulders from world boss. Second world boss wouldn't let me use my token to roll.
There's more than 1? I got on at lunch and didn't see even 1 world boss. Wah wah
They changed mythic raiding to after 100 alliance and 100 horde guilds down it.
At the end of legion they opened antorus up to xrealm very fastWhen did that happen? Last time i really paid attention to it was mid legion and it seemed like they just started the whole xrealm mythic once the new raid content hit. So EN could be done in NH, NH when ToS hit etc. at least i thought it was like that. Odd that they changed it again.