They serious with this "The raid will be different for Alliance and Horde" shit? They have a hard enough time tuning one raid instance at a time.
Noodleface or Sumdain x I know both of you guys play a BRM. Quick question... when engaging a boss or trash pack do you pre-cast Ironbrew skin to build up stagger
or start casting it afterwards when you engage?
Did I read something about a pet battle dungeon?
Did I read something about a pet battle dungeon?
I'm edging towards a new game myself
I can't keep up with everyone and I also don't like the direction
No benefit and you'd get smackedYou want to keep it at 100% uptime. I do not believe there is a benefit to waiting to get hit some before chugging a brew.
Dang I guessed this shitI've got this off feeling that something is going to happen to Dazar'alor and we'll have a raid there. Lot of locked doors with temple guardians in front.
I could be completely off-base with my theory, but I might as well uncle rico this football over the mountains.
Dang I guessed this shit
Anduin and Sylvannas are gonna fuck and it's our goal to stop them from making a third faction via having babies