M+ this week is just utterly hilarious. A +8 this week is literally harder than a +12 last week.
1. You can't CC, because Laser Matrix Azerite trait breaks it and there's absolutely fuck all you can do about it. Someone will proc it on the first ability they use on pull and the exponential increase in azerite respec costs means you can't reasonably expect to respec out of it for m+ either.
2. The coordination required to kill these mob packs is just nuts. For example, the mob pack in Atal'dazar in front of the plague troll has six mobs plus the totem, and the un-CCable giant troll has infested. That means you need to CC four of the mobs to avoid instantly dying on pull, kill the totem that autoheals the infested trolls without breaking any of the CCs to any random player ability, burn down the troll (~1m HP on fort at +10) while dodging all the goo, kill the two worms before they infest the other troll, then kill the second troll from full HP because infested on the other one kept it at full health. That's about 2.5m HP in mob health you have to get rid of in 45 seconds before your CCs break and you can't AE anything. Of course you have to do this while the two trolls alone deal about 20k sustained DPS to the entire group and fill the ground with green shit everywhere. If you manage to do that you still have to kill the four regular fort mobs, hope you still have mana left. Did I also mention the mob pack in front of the priest boss has EIGHT mobs in it? Yeah.
Underrot features a god damn infested warmother on the platform with the giant mask and has six mobs (two of which are the giant warmothers) on both sides this week. I literally had to transcendence kite around the top part of the room while the group killed the giant mask on the platform because you can't tank two warmothers for more than three seconds and you can't CC them either. Then you somehow have to contrive a way to live long enough to DPS down one 1m+ HP warmother after another because infested on one heals the other and again you can't CC either of them. Get past first boss? You now have the choice between doing a pack of underrot ticks plus three plague spitter worms or a pack of SEVEN elite mobs the other direction, every single one of which will wipe your group if it gets a single cast off.
My group that was timing 13s and 14s last week just gave up. We did a 75-minute +10 for the cache next week and are skipping M+ entirely. It's just completely pointless this week.