Hey for real, I am the person who created the young doctor thing. It was a necro on p99 in uguk Lord room when we argued and I let it be known I was a young doctor and would not be entertaining his shit discussions. Lol. And young doctor really meant like younger than the average age to become a doctor, hence even more dominant over earthly beings as a whole. I could draw you a detailed picture of this exchange of words and that was like 10 years ago fuck my mind is brilliant. But, I also have a screen shot somewhere too. I was loling hard too trust me
Anyways this whole argument has gone like this;
Human A: man my life sucks, Im tired all the time, I'm single, lonely, it sucks(how negative this forum is for wow - rightfully so I guess)
Human B: hey man, maybe you can change that, stop being so negative and go outside more
Human A: *since misery loves company* he goes back to all his human A type friends and says hey I have an announcement to make, fuck human B! And they all go yea, fuck human B!!
Looks it ain't easy being a top 1%er, and I don't expect all you bottom 99%ers to understand the level of mind fuck trolls going on here. I get it, I really do, ok?
Next time you're being put under for surgery, right before you lights out, look in to that surgeons eyes and ask yourself "holy shit, is this the surgeon who mind fuck trolled me hard?"