Log Wizard
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Yup, and its the first cache ive gotten since the bump in the cap to 370 with a weapon in it...and it's goddamn 340 trash. 370 belt from invasion quest. fucking blizzard.
Blizzard puts the FU in fun!
Yup, and its the first cache ive gotten since the bump in the cap to 370 with a weapon in it...and it's goddamn 340 trash. 370 belt from invasion quest. fucking blizzard.
When someone who makes a living playing the game they have loved for years fucking hates playing it you have to admit something is wrong. I mean shit this guy is making literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year with 20k people watching him, and yet he can't bring himself to even pretend to like playing BfA it sucks that much ass. Ion needs to lose his fucking job, also isn't Alex like super influential at Blizzard? Why hasn't he stepped up to stop this from doing the same shit SoE did with EQ? Or has he made so much cash that he doesn't have to give a shit about gaming any longer?
This guy plays the game non stop.. of course he’s going to get burnt out. I don’t think the expansion is the greatest, but it’s far from a dumpster fire. There’s plenty to do, but I don’t know man, just take a break for a bit maybe?
When someone who makes a living playing the game they have loved for years fucking hates playing it you have to admit something is wrong. I mean shit this guy is making literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year with 20k people watching him, and yet he can't bring himself to even pretend to like playing BfA it sucks that much ass. Ion needs to lose his fucking job, also isn't Alex like super influential at Blizzard? Why hasn't he stepped up to stop this from doing the same shit SoE did with EQ? Or has he made so much cash that he doesn't have to give a shit about gaming any longer?
This guy plays the game non stop.. of course he’s going to get burnt out. I don’t think the expansion is the greatest, but it’s far from a dumpster fire. There’s plenty to do, but I don’t know man, just take a break for a bit maybe?
Yup, and its the first cache ive gotten since the bump in the cap to 370 with a weapon in it...and it's goddamn 340 trash. 370 belt from invasion quest. fucking blizzard.
This expansion is exactly what we thought it would be. The next Cataclysm. They did nothing but iterate on the previous expansion... in a regressive fashion. So now the players who are still playing (like myself) are sitting here saying to themselves "Well I know this could be really good, I've already played the good version of it. Surely they will make this good again... right?!"
Even though I'm not a big fan of WoW, have always thought that Blizzard did top notch work. Have to believe that they will do right eventually by this game. May take a while.
Another thing about BFA is a lot of the work done was under the hood, stuff that the player doesn't necessarily see. Moving to DX12, etc gives them some breathing room in the future to be able to focus more on the actual game, and not so much on the tech. Doesn't help the horrible state of BFA's game mechanics right now though.
Even though I'm not a big fan of WoW, have always thought that Blizzard did top notch work. Have to believe that they will do right eventually by this game. May take a while.
Another thing about BFA is a lot of the work done was under the hood, stuff that the player doesn't necessarily see. Moving to DX12, etc gives them some breathing room in the future to be able to focus more on the actual game, and not so much on the tech. Doesn't help the horrible state of BFA's game mechanics right now though.
Weird, my Horde cache item was 360 today, and i'm only 350ish ilvl on this char.
I have to say the DX12 update really helped boralus for me. There were parts of boralus that would get a bit of a FPS dip even on my new computer now and then. With the DX12 update its been really smooth the only fps dip I have seen since the patch is doing ivus and like 80 people were around throwing all of the spells at it and I was still holding pretty well with just some minor fps hits.
NO FUN ALLOWEDSince the launch of Battle for Azeroth, we’ve noticed an increasing trend of players turning off XP gains at level 110 in order to repeatedly powerlevel other players’ characters at an excessive rate without increasing their own level. The intention of the XP-off feature is to allow alternate characters to stay in lower-level PvP brackets or relive lower-level content, not to purposefully halt progression in content relevant to the current expansion.
To curb this behavior, we plan to implement a hotfix in the coming days that will disable the ability to turn off XP gains on characters level 110 or higher. Additionally, any character of that level who already has XP disabled will find it automatically re-enabled the next time they log in.
I can't wait for the first Q&A after Classic launches where Ion explains that all of the out of era features they implemented without telling anyone that people didn't want were a good thing and that the additional out of era features they are planning on implementing are also a good thing. We're happy to continue the discussion about these features but try and keep your discussion focused on how to make the things you didn't ask for and don't want better rather than their removal because they're staying.
It's like World of Warcraft is under the control of a malicious DM constantly trying to force the players in his campaign to do things the way (he thinks) they should be done.
It's like World of Warcraft is under the control of a malicious DM constantly trying to force the players in his campaign to do things the way (he thinks) they should be done.