You know this level 110 character thing wouldn't be a fucking problem if it weren't for the stupid mob scaling they insist on. The fact that leveling 110-120 feels like you're "leveling down" your character is really bad. Secondary stats have scaled down for a long time, but mobs scaling up in BfA makes you go from godmode at 110 to a super wimp at 118-120. I know it gets better at 120 when you gear up a bit, but the whole 110-119 experience just feels bad.
I really want to play this but it seems like they're doing everything possible to fuck up legacy stuff. That's my thing, I like farming old shit.
Gliders nerf, bear tartare nerf, move speed fucked at 120, portals removed in vale, and now this proposed 110 twink nerf... let's not forget their touted Legacy Loot mode that they boasted would be applied to WoD raids, yet no one in their fucking company knows until like 4 months past release that you can't solo the first boss of final WoD raid (on most classes/specs), because of stat squish and move speed fuckery. And to put a cherry on the shit sundae, the intentional change for Legacy Loot from level 110->111 so it wouldn't work in Legion raids. Because Ion said "No one will be able to solo Legion raids" (which people have been doing since like week 2 of BfA). God forbid people group up and do them, cleared Tomb of Sargeras with a pal a while back and it was great getting 28g on every boss.
Anyways I'm Hodj'ing at this point, my point is, they need to leave their cocksucking metrics bullshit nerfs out of my old content. And get off my fucking lawn.