World of Warcraft: Current Year

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Got something right about marriage
I just looked at the list of those Conflict and Strife PvP Essences for each class. I think the biggest slap in the face on this is that Demonology Warlocks have a PvP talent "Call Felhunter" that let's them interrupt spellcasts. But instead of giving them that, Blizzard gives them a spell reflect...

Fucking lol.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I did all the tank towers. My warrior was first and I beat that somewhat earlyish, but not nearly as soon as I was hoping, By far for me the hardest was DH (but then I had literally never tanked with one). Druid was pretty easy overall, but i was high i level and it was a little later. DK was the easiest, monk and pally both about the same for me in difficulty. It was a great concept, really enjoyed it.
God I loved the mage towers.i had the opposite in terms of difficulty though. Dk for me was the hardest. I did it pretty early but I think it took me something like 100 try’s. Where as I 2 shot the dh. I hope they do something like this again.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Shadow Priest was obnoxiously easy. I kind of wanted them to take the trials for Tank/Healer/DPS and the Mage Tower thing and keep them alive. I thought it was a great way to know who the hell plays their class and who doesnt. I would much rather have something like that, rather than just a blanket gear score / achievement check.


I just looked at the list of those Conflict and Strife PvP Essences for each class. I think the biggest slap in the face on this is that Demonology Warlocks have a PvP talent "Call Felhunter" that let's them interrupt spellcasts. But instead of giving them that, Blizzard gives them a spell reflect...

Fucking lol.

I'd much rather have that than the ret paladin one I'm getting that just gives me 30% movespeed when I use freedom. I mean I guess I could use it for old raid farming but that's about it. Considering you're supposed to be able to swap them like talents.


DH Tank tower was probably the easiest, never had to worry about the knockback and plenty of CC. I had a lot of trouble with the Warrior, due to mistargeting leap. Never managed to get Paladin down, but I did get BM and Guardian.


I'm still most proud about the prot pally tower skin than pretty much anything else I've gotten in the last few years. It's just a shame I play tauren and you can count each individual pixel on the shield.


I did all of them, with the exception of Windwalker, Holy Priest, Protection Paladin, Boomkin, Restoration Shaman, and Restoration Druid.

They were loads of fun.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Managed to get all 36, but man it was a bitch. I'd never played 90% of those specs and those healer ones were a cunt. I got super lucky on my druid and paladin and my first legendaries when I leveled them up to do the tower were the bear bracers and the prot pants which made their challenges pretty damn easy. Of course, I quit right after, so I can't even use any of those pretty weapons, but (other than the healers), the challenges were fun.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I just did all Warrior and DK ones and really just had some trouble with Fury right when it came out and on DK as tank as it was my alt and really under geared. But it what such a good feeling of accomplishment when I completed them. I’ve only ever felt that same way when I did all gold challenge modes in MoP on my shaman.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I managed all the rogues, all the monks(only healing one I did), blood dk, prot war, boomkin, guardian druid, all warlocks, all dh. I leveled my pally too late to get the tank skin but got ret.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
How many of you kept your sub going just for mage tower and M+. I swear its so easy to read the numbers but instead Blizzard gives us some gay island and warfront shit. Not to mention leveling was easier in Legion too because of Invasions. These dumb fucks have so much data on what gets positive feedback and what doesn't that it blows my mind they can manage to run their game so far into the ground. Its so obvious at this point that they don't give a shit about sub count and instead will choose to make all their money off cash shop merch and those sweet sweet services.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How many of you kept your sub going just for mage tower and M+. I swear its so easy to read the numbers but instead Blizzard gives us some gay island and warfront shit. Not to mention leveling was easier in Legion too because of Invasions. These dumb fucks have so much data on what gets positive feedback and what doesn't that it blows my mind they can manage to run their game so far into the ground. Its so obvious at this point that they don't give a shit about sub count and instead will choose to make all their money off cash shop merch and those sweet sweet services.
Is M Plus not in this expansion? So the new content ideas aren't great. The things that kept most people subbed (dungeons and raids) are still there. This raid is the best one I can remember in recent history. At least on par with Nighthold if not better. If it had a skip mechanic or a way to choose your bosses it would be far and away better then Nighthold.
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Got something right about marriage
M+ is a shell of it's former self. Every iteration has been making it worse, that started in Legion though. It has a lot of potential that they are neutering to save the raiding scene. They believe (rightfully so) that if gear upgrades scaled higher to fit the difficulty of the highest level keys raiding would fall to the wayside.

The BfA M+ dungeons are not nearly as good as Legion's either. Much more trash that is also harder means class representation for "push" keys is abysmal and if you don't bring a Rogue I hope you like pulling 120% trash count. The dungeons just aren't as fun on the whole.
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A Mod Real Quick
Problem is m+ in legion felt fun, m+ in n bfa feels like you're constantly being punched in the dick
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Avatar of War Slayer
Too bad, cause I enjoyed the shit out of Legion Mythic's. Even after my 500th Maw run with Booze & Friends. Honestly though, if you're completing Mythic Dungeons at a scale that would dwarf the difficulty of a raid, then why take away from that as a developer? I always had far more enjoyment in Mythic Dungeons, more so than the orchestrated strobe light dance dance revolution that raids are. There should be multiple ways to gear up and forcing people to raid because your company puts more hours into a raids development is a dick way to handle things.


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
So I like the idea of Mythic + dungeons just as I liked the idea of Heroic dungeons when they were first released but just like Raids these days there is too much of a scaling difficulty slider. Normal, Heroic, and Mythic 0 are such a joke even the first week of the expansions they might not exists as difficulty choices, and ever scaling content is just bad design in Diablo 3 and even worse in WoW. On the positive side for players and developers these places can get recycled to all fuck and back artificially extending content. On paper this seems like a win/win but again you look back at Vanilla dungeons and you can never have enough Blackrock Depths with this current system because everything has to be designed to be a speed run, every dungeon which will be used for M+ is forced to be designed to fit timers, it has to be hallway/boss/hallway/boss/hallway/boss with a cap in play of 30min-1hour. When dungeons are designed with M+ and Esports faggotry at the base it's no wonder they feel empty.

The trash trigger came about from the challenge mode dungeons in Panda and WoD because people would skip all the trash they could and rightfully so when everything is based on a timer. I enjoyed M+ for probably many of the same reasons you guys do, better loot, more content, challenge, but I also hate M+ because running the same instance the 730th time during the course of the two year expansion cycle with ever changing loot rewards based on the length of time the expansion has been released gets very very old.


Got something right about marriage
They can still design a BRD and break it up for M+ alone. Karazhan was turned into 2 M+ dungeons. Vanilla up until BWL was really the only time dungeons were relevant to farm for unique gear. Dungeons lost their status as a fun "crawling" like experience long before Legion introduced M+.