Phasing is terrible for MMORPGs - At some point some poindexter faggot at Blizzard needs to learn how to fix this.
Follower quests in Naj for one.What's timegated other than the raid/dungeon and the two quests associated with them? Raids haven't launched on patch day in a very long time
I decided yesterday to not even bother with this daily anymore unless I luck into it - just takes too long. Same with collecting the poison weed or kicking fish etc. Will take a bit longer for the faction rewards, no big deal for me.
new rep is gay, and again I had two chests disappear yesterday as I was opening them. Great design. I liked dungeon rep, at least you could grind.
I believe naz emmisary also gives you 25 mana pearls too.Woot ankoan emissary for a whooping fucking 600 AP reward. Is the wow companion app lying to me or is that for real?
Get the fuck out of here with this shit.
Honestly the rep stuff is coming in pretty fast even with some wackyness on the naz rare shit quest. In naz if you have pet battle pets up to snuff those things are worth a big chunk of rep the first time you kill them and next week is the dark moon faire stuff so good time to go around and bang through the naz pet battle stuff. I believe you can get like 3k rep for doing each of the naz pet fights. Oddly mechagon is nowheres near that for rep from the pet fights so mostly I just do those when there is a WQ for it although the mechagon ones can reward you some blueprint stuff I believe.
I'm 355 rep from revered with Naz, if you sperg and do everything it goes by kinda quickly.
I've noticed in both zones Mechagon and Naz, the more you do, the more you unlock. It definitely starts slow though.
Mechagon is really odd like that. At first you are like um okay this is it I don't get it. But the more you do of it the more it starts unfolding and it just gets a lot better/more interesting as you go. Naz as well seems like you gain access to more stuff as you go. Also both zones did a good job at making pet battles challenging but also pretty rewarding so pretty good reason for just about everybody to try them out this go round.I'm 355 rep from revered with Naz, if you sperg and do everything it goes by kinda quickly.
I've noticed in both zones Mechagon and Naz, the more you do, the more you unlock. It definitely starts slow though.
Oh the last one is about fucking time. That was just infuriating like I just killed 5 rares but I did not get credit for shit because they were for quests.Wellp, here you dudes go.
Originally posted by Blizzard (View Original)
- We’re increasing the health of all of the lowest-health rare spawns in both Nazjatar and Mechagon, to help more players get a chance to hit them before they die. They also scale in health faster as more players tap them.
- We’re making
Bounty: Dangerous Creatures only require 1 rare, and we’re fixing a bug where some rare spawns didn’t give quest credit. Combined with the above change, it should be a lot easier to complete.
- World Quest bosses in Nazjatar will no longer show up with a silver dragon portrait. After this hotfix, is should be easier to tell what’s a boss for a World Quest and what’s a true rare spawn.
ya I read people are flying already, I honestly have no idea.
Did everything in nazj till I had noting left to do on the map, and i'm about half way in honored? I must be more retarded than I thought I was.
You lost me at pet battles.Mechagon is really odd like that. At first you are like um okay this is it I don't get it. But the more you do of it the more it starts unfolding and it just gets a lot better/more interesting as you go. Naz as well seems like you gain access to more stuff as you go. Also both zones did a good job at making pet battles challenging but also pretty rewarding so pretty good reason for just about everybody to try them out this go round.