Yeah I don't remember Tarren Mill being unplayable 10 years ago when 50% of the player base had 56k modems.
PvP is in a pretty good place. I understand your 380 warrior is getting its shit pushed in but it's honestly in a good place. The only stupid as fuck thing that you even mention is the self healing. I have no idea why every spec, especially dps, has absurd self healing that can literally put you back at 100% no problem, and there's usually no real counter for most of the specs to deal with it.
Server stability has been an issue though ever since around 7.3. I don't know what they did but 40v40s are completely unplayable. I'm fine with the boring gameplay of it, it's how people have always done massive group PvP, but the servers not being able to handle it is insane. ESPECIALLY since Epic BGs are literally their own separated thing, how do they not just.. have more resources for those?
BFA arena season 1 was a bit meh for balance. You generally had to go far into healing suppression to kill people who were at higher skill levels. Last season was not as bad but still a lot of it was killing time or looking for a big mistake until suppression got high enough to really start burning people down. I am honestly curious with the addition of the essences how that will impact PVP more on demand instant damage but also at the same time more big damage mitigation stuff as well.PvP is still in a good place though. Still despite the self healing. You can think otherwise or not but a few random bgs with a team not communicating is your problem, not the games. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not in a good place.
Also I've been going on about large scale pvp lag for over a year+ now in this thread.
And that, basically, describe why I hit the cancel button. Because once I'd done all the chores (at that point, they were chores), I didn't want to play anymore.Now that you are done with the above you are able to play the game however you feel like, although chances are you are burnt out and don't want to do any of the other shit in the game at a heavily decreased rate of return.
Most of the modern game design is increasingly based around the same design mechanics:I think most of the gating is to keep people playing 1 or 2 hours daily. That's their goal. Get you to log in every day. That's the crack they are selling.
y'all I'm getting further in the questing of this patch and I gotta say I am 100% absolutely convinced the Dragon Isles are coming next.
I read quests because I'm a lore fag and I actually love what's going on in the game right now.
That little fucking corrupted seed we found at the very end of Emerald Dream in that cave has fully infiltrated the Emerald Dream and we have to clear it of void and save some dragons. Green Dragons. Now lead by Ysera's daughter.
She then follows you back to the Chamber of Heart and that now means we have the black dragonflight, and now the green dragonflight within the heart itself. There's another quest from Kalecgos when your neck is at...60? I wanna say. Which probably means another dragonflight will show up.
On top of all of the dragon isles hints from around the game now. The Island Expedition item being the biggest clue even directly naming it. Also the Black Prince guards you can find all over, including in Naz'jatar.
I think it's happening bois.
PvP is still in a good place though. Still despite the self healing. You can think otherwise or not but a few random bgs with a team not communicating is your problem, not the games. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not in a good place.
Also I've been going on about large scale pvp lag for over a year+ now in this thread.
Man they really put a big dick in the butt for anyone who does 2-3 roles with the cost of these Rank 2 essences in Machagon the spare parts are farmable but the Galvanic Oscillator's are not. If you are playing any class that preforms 2 let alone 3 roles enjoy that cockblock.
Yea but the way they prevent it is with artificial cock blocking like dailies. Committing to a character is an important part of player identity in an MMORPG, but enforcing it by turning progression into busywork is annoying.