Ion Total Faggot Hazzikostas said:First of all, just to get it out of the way, we currently don’t have any 8.3.5 plans
Hope this 8.3 shit solves all the problems because.
WoW 8.3: Exclusive interview with Ion Hazzikostas — Patch 8.3.5, Shadowlands, new Affix and more
We had the exclusive opportunity to pitch our questions to Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas, Game Director for World of Warcraft. We covered topics such as WoW 8.3, Ny'alotha, N'Zoth, the Shadowlands, and the grind and RNG currently present in the game. Read on!
Man they wasted Azshara and N'zoth.
So much this.
Also, why the fuck is Ion so attached to Essences being per character? The explanation he gave is simply not true. Essences are often essential to even being viable, not just generic power upgrades.
Yeah fixing the problem a patch later by making them slightly easier to attain...doesn't actually fix the problem, and especially not from the start.
WoW 8.3: Exclusive interview with Ion Hazzikostas — Patch 8.3.5, Shadowlands, new Affix and more
We had the exclusive opportunity to pitch our questions to Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas, Game Director for World of Warcraft. We covered topics such as WoW 8.3, Ny'alotha, N'Zoth, the Shadowlands, and the grind and RNG currently present in the game. Read on!
But account-wide Essences are not on the table for Visions of N’Zoth.
Because Blizzard recruited Ion from the top 1% of guilds/players, and Ion and friends don't understand the bottom 95% of guilds/players. Also, in their view having a stable player/character roster should trump over having an army of geared ready-to-go alts to create class stacked raids depending on encounter requirements. This also explains things like the personal loot changes.Also, why the fuck is Ion so attached to Essences being per character?
Especially when you've bled so many subs. I guarantee you a large number of people would come back for this patch if they heard that Essences were becoming account-wide.
Today we shall all learn what the fox says.Happy 8.3 day boys. The horde is going to become a fox habitat
Happy 8.3 day boys. The horde is going to become a fox habitat