God damn it fucking Blizzard! They almost broke me yesterday. I've been slowly grinding out the BfA reps to get flying. On Friday I only had Champions and the Turtle guys to get to Revered, as well as exploring Mechagone and Naz, or so I thought. So on Saturday after grinding all the WQs for those two factions I went on an epic exploration of those two zones clearing that up. I also dinged with Champs. Then on Sunday, I only had a smidgen of Turtles rep left, ended up spending 500 gold on work orders on the AH because fuck it, I wanted to fly. Turned in the last quest, dinged with Turtles, got a bunch of Achievements, hit my mount key, hit space... and nothing. I was like "Why aren't I flying? What's going on here?" Loaded up the Achievements pane and then noticed that I still lacked two reps, the reps for Mecha and Naz, which were both still at neutral. That's a month of daily grinding more. Fuck that shit!!!
God, you know, I don't mind being grounded til you hit max level, or grounded til you've explored all the zones, or doing the main quests, but this fucking rep gate is AIDS! What's the point after you've done all the quests and seen all of the zone from the ground? And I race swapped to Human a few Expacs ago just to help with this rep grind! God damn this! I bet your bottom dollar it's just a matter of time before they sell flasks of "extra rep XP" potions or whatever in the Store. God!
/rant off