"and her sanity got a little bit frayed"
The last part cut off but it has a final line
Even so the core point remains.
"and her sanity got a little bit frayed"
Well yeah, it's dumb. I mean I like flying but they designed themselves into a corner here. Just remove it
Well it isn't like they could make the system WORSE than corruption right? Could they make the game even less friendly for alts? Hrmmmmm?
You cut off the punch line! You monster!
So what, on retail you've got essences plus corruption mechanics to dissuade making and playing alts when people really like making and playing alts? Are alts just casual things and casual things are bad so fuck them?
To make it hard as fuck to swap mains or keep several alts raid ready, again the goal being to fuck end game guilds in their 'race'
Funnily enough, dudes playing for a living will still maintain a stable of alts raid ready up to date with all the shitty grindy mechanics whereas everyone else basically stops playing alts cause they fucking suck to catch up with.
Nailed it!
They have been so adamant not changing the essence system for alts it's fucking mind boggling. Truely the stupidest serie of decisions of any expansion in the history of MMOs since forever.
I'm sure right before the shadowlands pre-patch comes they will open up ways to catch up easily, by then no one will give a fuck cause all that shit will be obsolete.
Nailed it!
They have been so adamant not changing the essence system for alts it's fucking mind boggling. Truely the stupidest serie of decisions of any expansion in the history of MMOs since forever.
I'm sure right before the shadowlands pre-patch comes they will open up ways to catch up easily, by then no one will give a fuck cause all that shit will be obsolete.
A fucked up part of my brain is whispering to me to play four druids in shadowlands. Four specs, four covenants, it just makes sense!
If you like this dipshit after the clusterfuck that bfa has been because of all of his decisions, you are most definitely part of the fucking problem.
I feel like he's shackled by some oversight