Avatar of War Slayer
Looks like they saw a mass of people quitting over their shitty grinds, this patch, as they keep walking it back. They already increased Coalescing Visions from dailies, early on, then the Essences were bumped down to Revered, instead of Exalted, and now:
Items and Rewards
Items and Rewards
- Torn Pages of “Fear and Flesh”
- The number of Torn Pages of “Fear and Flesh” quest items required for the rank 13-15 cloak quests has been reduced.
- Rank 13 now requires 4 Torn Pages (down from 6).
- Rank 14 now requires 6 Torn Pages (down from 12).
- Rank 15 now requires 8 Torn Pages (down from 18).
- Developers’ note: This change should make all the quests completable by most players in the week and not require players to feel the need to save as many keys week to week. Along with our other quality-of-life changes, this should help newer characters catch up with their peers.
- [With regional restarts] Up to 4 Torn Pages of "Fear and Flesh" quest items can now drop in Horrific Visions from objectives on the rank 7-11 legendary cloak upgrade quests (max of 2).
- Developers’ note: Players will need to clear more than two side areas in one run to get more than two pages. The rank 13-15 quests will still drop a max of 2 pages, only from Lost Area objectives.
- The number of Torn Pages of “Fear and Flesh” quest items required for the rank 13-15 cloak quests has been reduced.
- Coalescing Visions
- Coalescing Visions now drop in higher numbers from Assaults and Daily Quests.
- [With regional restarts] Visions of N’Zoth daily quests now reward 30% more Coalescing Visions.
- [With regional restarts] The N’Zoth Assault now rewards 2500 Coalescing Visions (in addition to a Vessel of Horrific Visions).
- [With regional restarts] Lesser Threats will now reward 6500 Coalescing Visions (was 5500).
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