"Stop wasting your time and resources trying to solve an imaginary problem"
I watched some parts of it cause I caught that guy streaming on twitch every now and then and he was 100% of the time playing torghast. He makes parallels to actual rogue-likes and how the torment shit will punish people with bad RNG from being able to tough it out and recover an awful start into a god run(which happens pretty often in that type of game, sometimes the early RNG is complete fucking ass but if you struggle hard enough you can luck out, or you die and restart it's fine). He also mentions how there's already a bunch of powers that make "waiting 10mins for bloodlust" not really a thing because once you have enough powers you're basically already getting bloodlust constantly or it stops mattering anyway.Bro, wtf posting a 20+ min YT video.
But actually, yup, saying the exact same thing all of us are. Hopefully they come up with something better.
You're supposed to wait for the game to release you fucking mongoloid.Oh and I had to spend 20mins on wowhead to figure out what conquest points are and how to get them exactly, and half the data was outdated. No idea how you're supposed to figure out some of that shit without a website.
This is just complete garbage masquerading around as insight. All that is called for here is putting some more work in to the systems themselves. That's it. "Wait ten minutes, repeat" as a strategy just reveals an oversight in design. Oh, you guys are going to wait so you can use all your cooldowns. Huh. Guess we should put some more thought in that. We'll get back to you.
So we agree a timer is a stupid, lazy solution? Cool. Glad you finally caught up
So you're fine with a change provided it isn't terrible? I'm glad you finally caught up rather than lecturing the world about human nature.
Go read the whole conversation from the start.
One of the biggest issues that people had with Horrific Visions is the sanity meter. Having that ticking clock forces you to always be moving forwards, which could lead you to make mistakes in your haste. Some players really like being able to plan out each of their pulls and make sure that they’re not putting themselves in undue danger. Torghast gets rid of the clock mechanic entirely with your new worst enemy — the Tarragrue.
The Tarragrue sounds like the most unholy combination of the Tarrasque and Grue, two of gaming’s most infamous monsters. The Tarragrue will show up if you die too many times on one level, and once it appears it’ll slowly make its way from the entrance to the exit of that level. If it reaches the exit before you, you’ll fail. If you’re spotted by the Tarragrue it’ll chase you down and turn you into much flatter version of your former self. You’re not intended to fight the Tarragrue at all — but there is a hint that there may be items that can slow its progress down.
I love this mechanic. It’ll only show up as you die on each floor, and even if it does show up you’re not out until it reaches the exit. If you can make it off that level you’ll be free of the Tarragrue and able to continue your run.
If you think Blizzard listens to feedback I have this bridge in Brooklyn for a low price.
Christ, at least Arbitrary and I know what Torghast actually is.