I mean you don't need these for flying, and they're not doubled by the buff so they're more "normal", the others aren't so bad cause they're doubled.
Mechagon is nice enough but you kinda want to unlock it early, you get 1700 a day just doing the generic event(6 chests, 3 rares or "activities" which is just doing whatever), can generally get it done in 5 to 10minutes and even skipping all the other shit it's decent rep.
Once they remove that rep though a lot of this shit will feel bad. Revered is like halfway compared to exalted though it's not THAT much farming for most stuff for flying, I just wanted exalted for mounts and recipes and whatever else, I didn't even check if there's anything worth using just figured I'd get it done before the buff is off.
The leveling is pretty ass though. It's quick enough, but you have to slog through old zones, but you also can't really get a nice feel for the expansion cause you outlevel them so fast. Wish they'd patch in the Shadowlands leveling shit early, I just want to do like Pandaria or Cataclysm or WoD entirely, and not this mish mash of stuff. I'm probably going to finish the zone I'm on and install the addon that tells you where to go and stop reading until Shadowlands shit.